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carl jung

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I think there is a blood test for that. To strenthen it requires an excellent diet and perhaps some B Vitamin supplements.

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oh. any other suggestions? lol :)

I think there is a blood test for that. To strenthen it requires an excellent diet and perhaps some B Vitamin supplements.
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If you are talking ego in the Jungian sense, it is completely beyond your power to do anything here. The ego that he and his buddy, Freud, were talking about is a component of the deepest part of the human psyche and operates silently behind all the behaviors that we manifest outwardly.


Now, if you want to build your ego...as in your self-esteem or self-worth...you have to do things that you personally feel will heighten your opinion of yourself. Those thinks take time, energy and sometimes a few bucks.


* If you are overweight, go on a diet. If underweight, eat more deserts.


* If you feel you aren't smart enough, read more, watch more public television, attend more lectures on subjects you enjoy, or better yet call my sister...she thinks she knows everything.


* If you feel you aren't physicially attractive enough (I've already talked about weight), as a female you have many more avenues available to you than males. A good beauty consultant can do amazing things for your hair, makeup, wardrobe, skin, etc. in just a few sessions. You can also join an aerobics class or gymnasium and have a personal trainer show you just what you need to do to accompslish what you desire shapewise.


* If you feel your friends aren't right for you, figure out the type of friends you want and go make them. Every person in the world, including the president, will give time to someone who likes them. You can befriend anyone you want in any circle you want if you genuinely seek their friendship and/or counsel.


* If larger body parts or other physical alterations will build your ego, see an excellent, board certified plastic surgeon. I have had many lady friends change their mindset overnight after receiving a new set of boobs (I don't know why but I guess is doesn't matter if it makes them happy). Nowadays, surgeons can fix just about everything about a person short of stupidity. Lipsuction, wrinkle and celulite elimination, varicose vein treatment, and all sorts of other solutions are available medically, If you can't afford this right now, most doctors take credit cards. Taking out a loan to make yourself feel better is a more solid investment than charging an expensive meal that will become tomorrow's additional pounds.


By now, you should have the idea. There are thounsands of ways to give yourself a better opinion of YOU.


I will warn you. There are some people who simply will never be happy with themselves no matter what. If you are one of them, nothing anyone can write here will help.


Now if you question concerns the concept of the ego as advance by Freud and Jung, I suggest you post it on an appropriate psychology forum. Hope you get your answers.

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