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what did i do wrong

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Please help me!!I met this perfect guy at work last year and we endedup being relly good friends. I met all of his friends on nights out and he met miine, they all thought we were together because of the way he acted around me, he always hugged me and loooked after me making sure I was always close to him...i felt like he liked me and then got the reasurance from his friends.


So x-mas nigth he came to my house and we ended up kissing on the sofa, i fell asleep with my head on his lap and when i woke up he was gone. We text each other like everyday before that nite and we only meet up once since then. He only texts me to check up on me when im college to see what im doing ...i miss him, and i feel really lost without him, how can i fix this mess i made

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What makes you think you did anything wrong? So you're saying that the night after you kissed, you haven't really heard from him? You obviously didn't establish any kind of committed relationship so talk to him! Communication is the key here. You really need to talk with him about what happened between you guys. And stop thinking that you did anything wrong.

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