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What does it mean when a girl looks at you?

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well maybe there is some green thing hanging out your nose. or maybe she thinks you are hot! is there toilet paper on your shoe? is your fly up? do you have a roll of quarters in your pocket?(i would check that out)

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I agree with tattoo, either something on u looks funny enuf to gawk at or ur hott....u should be able to figure out which it is. And if not ask ur mom or someone u don't care if they laugh(but they should only laugh is something looks funny)

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Is there a certain way she is looking at you? Does she smile and look at you like she is interested and then looks away? You need to tell us more.


Yeah, she could be looking at you because she finds you really really sexy or she could be looking at you because you have gorgeous eyes, lips nice smile etc., or she could be looking at you because she is talking to you, or if something is disturbing on your face etc. Many many reasons. You need to tell us more.

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