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I think I need to stop analyzing this guy!

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What does it mean when a guy tells you he doesn't like you (not in person, but over IM) one night, after you've told him you like him, and then a couple months later invites you to his house to drink and play video games with him in his bed? o_O



I have this guy friend that I really like and he is sending a lot of mixed signals and is kinda leading me on. I have gotten the response of "if he is constantly contacting you and buying you drinks, he's interested, no matter how much he protests" only to have this person change her mind 2 seconds later and say, "He was clear he doesn't like you, he is not for you."



He constantly keeps in contact with me, he's gone periods where he has texted me nonstop every day and all night and we have been out twice and he's bought me coffee once and a drink the second time.

I am confuzzled.

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I don't think it's that complicated. He probably wants FWB--an ongoing, no-strings, purely sexual relationship. I suspect that is what he is feeling you out for.

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I don't even think he is looking for that, even though what he invited me to do was suggestive. He didn't try anything physical...at all.

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He hasn't tried anything physical yet. I'm sure he will honestly if I were in your situation I would just ask him what's going on. Guys confuse me just as much as the next girl. Good Luck witgh everything though.

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