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too many fights


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We had only been dating for 3 months we he purposed. We've known each other 7yrs. Been living together for 5 mnths. We have gr8 times together yet lately we fight about everything. Little #####. The dishes, how to wrap xmas presents, little #####. We also fight about sex, money, and families and everything else. I love him, and the wedding is set for May 1, but the way its going, i'm afraid it won't last. We are both stubborn, and pig headed and niether is willing to give in on anything. HELP!!!!!!!!!

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Eh.....this is a tough situation. My older sister is in a very similar one. They have been dating for 4 months...known each other for about 8 or 9 years....and engaged. They live together and fight about everything. So I have seen firsthand what you are going through.....or quite similar. Honestly unless you get through your problems it is not going to last. You need more than just love to make a marriage work. If you fight about anything and everything now, getting married is not going to fix things....it will more than likely make things worse. Try going to pre-marital counselling...that is the most simple advice I can give you. But you need to discuss this when him.. Say "Look hun I love you to death and want nothing more than to marry you, but I think we have some problems that we need to get through" that is the first step to make it all better. Talk to him, and honestly if counselling doesn't help then you aren't meant for each other. Don't rush into the marriage. May is very close coming and maybe that is stressful on you. Bump the date back a couple of months. Give yourselves time to make things happy again. But if you are still fighting, don't get married.....wait...wait another year if you have to....just don't rush into it.

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Eh.....this is a tough situation. My older sister is in a very similar one. They have been dating for 4 months...known each other for about 8 or 9 years....and engaged. They live together and fight about everything. So I have seen firsthand what you are going through.....or quite similar. Honestly unless you get through your problems it is not going to last. You need more than just love to make a marriage work. If you fight about anything and everything now, getting married is not going to fix things....it will more than likely make things worse. Try going to pre-marital counselling...that is the most simple advice I can give you. But you need to discuss this when him.. Say "Look hun I love you to death and want nothing more than to marry you, but I think we have some problems that we need to get through" that is the first step to make it all better. Talk to him, and honestly if counselling doesn't help then you aren't meant for each other. Don't rush into the marriage. May is very close coming and maybe that is stressful on you. Bump the date back a couple of months. Give yourselves time to make things happy again. But if you are still fighting, don't get married.....wait...wait another year if you have to....just don't rush into it. She's right... consider this situation:


My boyfriend and I have been together for over a year and a half. Nothing but happiness was brought into my life since he's come along. When times get tough, we both get a little moody. However, we both understand that arguing doesn't mean our love for each other still isn't there. We plan to get married...LATER!!! I'm only 18 and he's 21. During these age periods, people often change. If we can both live through these times without bickering at each other to death, THEN we'll plan on getting married. Tam's got the right idea!

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