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I don't know what to make of this.

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Honestly I am not sure where I should have put this. Anyway about three weeks ago I got a text from this guy (Lets just say his name Adam)that I hadn't heard from in 5 months. He and I never dated but we liked eachother and slept together. I wanted a relationship and he didn't. I told him I couldn't just be a F**k buddy. I really cared about him , but he just claimed that he couldn't handle a relationship at the time. I found out that he was started dating this other girl. It hurt me alot.


well anyway I moved on and started dating someone else. It wasn't working for me. I had been debating on when I should end it with this other guy, then next thing I know I get a text from the other guy that hurt me.


We text for about Three weeks, He kept asking me to hang out, I wasn't sure if I wanted to. Within those three weeks I finally broke it off with the other guy. That was hard. I also hung out with Adam. Adam, his friend and I all hung out his place one night. Alot happened that night, He seemed really excited to see me. not only did he ask me out on a date, he also told me that he almost got engaged to that girl he was dating. he said he had just broke up with her. we also got really drunk we opended up to each other and he told me that he had always been interested in. Most of that conversation I don't remember. He also told me that he wasn't looking for a rebound relationship. He kissed me and gave me lots of hugs. I stayed the night at his house becuase I was too drunk to drive my self home. I live about an hour and thirty minutes away from him. Nothing happened. He held me the whole night.


Well that was two weeks ago. I texted him last week to tell him thanks and it was good to see him again. He said he had a good time too. I haven't heard from him since. Not even a text.


I am confused. Why would he go to all that trouble to talk to me and get me to come see him, tell me he has always liked me, ask to go out on a real date with him and then seem to drop off the face of the earth in less than a month? It kinda bothers me.


I just need some guys insight. Was he just looking for a booty call again or what. And also I have heard this many times but do you think that drunken words are sober thoughts? I need all opinions but really want a guys opinion.



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You can't read too much into what happened. I think you might be selectively seeing what you want to see, and not what really happened. There is a high possibility he just wanted female company, be it just to hold someone at night. If he wanted to booty call that night, he would have gone for it considering he was intoxicated. He could also have been testing the hook to see if you were still swimming near it and know he knows to check that line in the future if he feels lonely again.


If he almost got engaged to the previous girl, that means there was something there between the two of them. He's not going to just forget about her. I can bet she's still in the picture and as long as that's happening you'll see this guy go very hot and very cold with you. It all depends on if he's fighting or making up with that previous girl at the time.


The most important thing is to set boundaries for yourself. Don't just let him yank you around for whenever he's feeling lonely.

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