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Pot smoking

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Is occasional (like twice or three times a week) pot smoking harmful? Does it change the personality in any way? I don't smoke it but someone close to me does. I'm not sure where he gets the stuff, or how risky it is to be buying, transporting and smoking it.

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Legally, it's not that risky, it's about the economic expense of a traffic ticket. Just don't take it over state lines, and don't have too much of it, or it becomes possession with the intent to sell, which has a steeper penalty.


Most will argue that two to three times a week doesn't change the personality, but amotivational effects are common. Habitual marijuana smoking changes the way certain chemicals are proccessed in the brain, and it can have an effect on your personality. Depression, anxiety, apathy--it depends on the user.


Additionally, if you are insinuating he doesn't get it from trusted sources, marijuana spiked with PCP, Heroin, or other chemicals can be physically dangerous, brain-damaging, and possibly fatal.

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Occasional pot smoking is usually not harmful. Every person reacts to it differently. If you have reactions to it that impair your life or your immediate time afterwards to any great extent, you shouldn't do it.


You might become more enlightened by going here: http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t31746/ This is a thread on the same subject started quite a few hours before yours.

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