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GUY playing matchmaker....

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When I was working on Monday, there is this guy JIM who works next door on occassion and he is a very friendly, overall nice guy and talks alot to me and the other coworkers. Anyways, he was telling me while I was waiting on this one guy who works at the store that there is this customer who came into the store at told him that the blond next door who drives the green ranger is hot(meaning me). So, when I talked to JIM on Wednesday, he mentioned that the guy who said that I was hot was the guy who I was waiting on before Jim who works next door.


The thing is, Jim I think is trying to play matchmaker. He told me that the guy called him on Tueday night from Virginia(hometown), and asked Jim if Jim has told me that he thinks I am hot. Now, I am 22. This guy, I am guessing, has to be in his 30's or 40's. Hard to tell, but I don't know what to do.


On Monday, the guy came in early and he kinda got alittle porky with me, and of course when people are rude to me I have to give it right back. That is why I am such a great customer service specialist. But anyways, he left the store and came back several hours later to order something else, and I appoligized for my rudeness. But he was acting all friendly and even appoligized for himself for being alittle edgy. And that was when JIM came in and was telling me.


WHY can't I meet some guy at least in thier 20's?


Jim told me today that this guy has a really nice appartment and that it is expensive and blah blah blah, like I really care about this guys money. I could give a sh*t. Then JIM left.


So that is that. Why do I only attract older men? And if I do attract older men or even guys in their 20's why can't they ask me out? I talk to a variety of men throughout the day and it seems that they might be showing interest in me, but that is where it leaves off. Nothing is come about of it. It stinks.

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You appear to have two questions.


Why do I only attract older men?

I have often felt that way about myself too. I think sometimes older men are just more experienced and go around taking a stab at every chick in sight, while the young guys are silently pining for just one young beauty. (Gross generalization, of course.)


And if I do attract older men or even guys in their 20's why can't they ask me out?

There have to be some first steps. They can't just go from buying cigarettes from a stranger, to inviting her out on a date. Depending on what you sell, it may not be realistic to get any "action" from customers since your time to know them is so limited and you have no context for them. It's better to meet people through friends or relatives so you don't worry about the axe murderers so much.


But you can always give a special customer your business card and say, "Call me about an extended warranty." This applies even if you work at 7/11.

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I know you are going to hate me saying this but sometimes you need to accept that perhaps meeting the right person will happen in its own time. You cant force it or make it be. It took me years to really meet someone nice. Yes they where either too old, too crazy, too short, too…….. whatever… it just took time. I think the main thing was that I needed to understand who I was a little more. Accept that I didn’t need anyone to live, I needed to first learn how to love, support and entertain myself. Learnt what I needed and what I was prepared to give. You cannot live for another and sometimes when we really want that guy we do everything to have or keep him, but remember you want someone that wants you just as much, so LET HIM COME TO YOU. In the meantime, get excited about really getting to know yourself, look outside the square you live in, smile at every man who walks past you in the street, not cos he is cute but cos he is a human being and deserves it and EVERYONE likes to feel special and be acknowledged. The day you attract a man is cos you stop treating them like potential partners. You MUST treat them as people, JUST PEOPLE, like you.


Build your confidence and start believing that you are WORTHY of meeting the right man, cos if you don’t believe it, how can they?


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Grinning Here... :p


I just provide this line of SoulMate's, followed by an explanation from an older male's perspective (i.e., my own):



I think sometimes older men are just more experienced and go around taking a stab at every chick in sight...


As a guy in his early 30's here, I can say that that makes me feel a little "misrepresented/misunderstood."


First and foremost, I for one, do not make a point of looking for 'just any female at all', as if I were the experienced hunter from days of yore.


Oddly perhaps, I go after a woman who is not only attractive, but has an intelligence, personality, heart, and soul that I find stimulating, friendly, warm and deep-rooted. Once I find her, whether she is somewhat older, younger, or the same age as I am makes not a huge deal of difference.


Just thought I needed to give my $0.02.





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i'm not sure how concerned you are with class or education, but you may want to w(e)ary of any man in that age bracket who uses adjectives like 'hot' to describe a girl they would like to date. the phone games are also rather sad by that age. it may not speak well for him nor for his intentions towards you.


unless, of course, he was being ironic.

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