Engadget Posted May 8, 2010 Share Posted May 8, 2010 For all intents and purposes in correlation to this thread, never date people in the following professions: golf professional (or any type of athlete period) politician actor doctor lawyer artist musician real estate agent Wow that's quite a list, haha. Link to post Share on other sites
janie423 Posted May 8, 2010 Share Posted May 8, 2010 For all intents and purposes in correlation to this thread, never date people in the following professions: golf professional (or any type of athlete period) politician actor doctor lawyer artist musician real estate agent I can play this game . . . golf pro - never dated one, but I would think they would not be around much politician - do I need to explain that? never dated one actor - dated one, he was all about him doctor - dated a few, arrogant, they look down on anyone without a medical degree . . . next! lawyer - dated one who didn't reveal his profession right away because he didn't want to be dated because he was a lawyer; so I dumped him because he was a lawyer (a new twist) artist/musician - similar, on the road a lot, usually tempermental, I generally stay away from them real estate agent - I wouldn't date anyone in sales Link to post Share on other sites
Sazerac Posted May 9, 2010 Share Posted May 9, 2010 I can play this game . . . golf pro - never dated one, but I would think they would not be around much politician - do I need to explain that? never dated one actor - dated one, he was all about him doctor - dated a few, arrogant, they look down on anyone without a medical degree . . . next! lawyer - dated one who didn't reveal his profession right away because he didn't want to be dated because he was a lawyer; so I dumped him because he was a lawyer (a new twist) artist/musician - similar, on the road a lot, usually tempermental, I generally stay away from them real estate agent - I wouldn't date anyone in sales Re the bolded: Forgive me for saying so, but that's a pretty crappy reason for dumping someone. Because of his profession? Pretty shallow. Pray tell, just who WOULD you date? Link to post Share on other sites
janie423 Posted May 9, 2010 Share Posted May 9, 2010 Re the bolded: Forgive me for saying so, but that's a pretty crappy reason for dumping someone. Because of his profession. Pray tell, just who WOULD you date? You miss the point entirely. The lawyer was so arrogant about being a lawyer that he did not tell me what his profession was until around the third date. Then he said "I don't want anyone to know I'm a lawyer because I don't want them to date me just because I am a lawyer." My point is, he thought being a lawyer made him irresistable, he thought women were all gold diggers. So I dumped him based on that assumption. He assumed I was a gold digger and that I would overlook his personality flaws simply because of the stature of his profession. That is what I meant. Just playing along with the poster. I am a professional, and I prefer men in blue collar jobs, like hairdressers, or builders, quite frankly. Link to post Share on other sites
Art_Critic Posted May 9, 2010 Share Posted May 9, 2010 You brought up an interesting point SD.. Women cops.. dateable or all just dykes ? Link to post Share on other sites
Engadget Posted May 9, 2010 Share Posted May 9, 2010 You brought up an interesting point SD.. Women cops.. dateable or all just dykes ? Every woman cop I've met was a super bitch. I imagine this is because they need to work in a mostly male field and probably have to be "tough" to deal with it. I'm sure there's a lot of sexism too. Link to post Share on other sites
Engadget Posted May 9, 2010 Share Posted May 9, 2010 You miss the point entirely. The lawyer was so arrogant about being a lawyer that he did not tell me what his profession was until around the third date. Then he said "I don't want anyone to know I'm a lawyer because I don't want them to date me just because I am a lawyer." My point is, he thought being a lawyer made him irresistable, he thought women were all gold diggers. So I dumped him based on that assumption. He assumed I was a gold digger and that I would overlook his personality flaws simply because of the stature of his profession. That is what I meant. Just playing along with the poster. I am a professional, and I prefer men in blue collar jobs, like hairdressers, or builders, quite frankly. That's the first time I've heard a hairdresser be called a blue collar job! Link to post Share on other sites
seibert253 Posted May 9, 2010 Share Posted May 9, 2010 I say they ALL do.. Then you're WRONG Lizzie. Not being disrespectful, just pointing out youre error. I've been a cop for 20 years, been married to my one and only W for 16. I've NEVER cheated on her, EVER. Had plenty of opportunities. Most of these opportunites arrise out of my second job as a personal trainer/group fitness instructor. Has the thought crossed my mind, yes, but I've made a commitment to my W, and I will honor it till the day one of us leaves this earth. Unless she cheats again, then we're done. If you check statistics, you probably will find just as many cops' are cheated on. Working nights, weekends, holidays, they take a big toll on any relationship. Link to post Share on other sites
Green Posted May 9, 2010 Share Posted May 9, 2010 This thread should be re-titled "Never date a RCMP" Link to post Share on other sites
DollWelch Posted May 10, 2010 Share Posted May 10, 2010 Recently, I had one handsome cop lay eyes on me and I felt I had instantly developed a crush! He was a gentleman and nice too! But I realized right away he was a flirt. Flirting with women on the job, I don't doubt half the women were chasing him. As much as I'd like to believe otherwise about Cops, I would have to agree. Cops are always on the prowl. Either they attract a Trophy Wife or settle for someone genuine at heart but always be looking for greener pastures. Sigh. Doctors are the best ones to date! Link to post Share on other sites
CLC2008 Posted May 10, 2010 Share Posted May 10, 2010 Just playing along with the poster. I am a professional, and I prefer men in blue collar jobs, like hairdressers, or builders, quite frankly. Are most male hairdressers straight? Link to post Share on other sites
Zed Posted May 11, 2010 Share Posted May 11, 2010 I would .. if I want some fun... but for a committed relationship.. no.. never.. no cops or firefighters.. A friend of mine worked all her life in a police station.. and she said there was NO exceptions.. they all cheat... with female staff... with female police officers (they sometimes are doing their shifts together)... I've personally known a few cops.. and they are ALL cheaters.. I just dumped one (never had sex with though) but he was insistant.. I had to dump him.. I wasn't interested in sex .. he was a RCMP officer (high end job with the gov't... terrorists investigation).. they're all the same.. they think that because they have an authority profession, women will automatically fall for them... a lot of women do.. NOT ME.. There is a point to the cheating. A lot of them are adrenaline junkies and the lifestyle tends to attract a lot of narcissist and borderline psychopaths who revel in power. I’ve had to work with a few and so many of them do have the clichéd “cop eyes” about them-which can be disturbing how quickly some of these guys can shut down and turn ice cold. You have to assess each cop on a case by case basis which also means the type of law enforcement officer they are—if they work in the city, or town, they are deputies, Vice, NARCS, etc, but understand that cops do have groupies and they have access to all types of women so cheating is relatively common. Due to the nature of the job you will find more drug addiction and abuse as well. Alcoholism, coke heads are not uncommon. The dangerous lifestyle of a lot of metropolitan cops, can wear you down if you are not up to their lifestyle (you have to conform to his cycles) of last minute cancellations, him being gone for hours or days due to a case, and host of complications that make it harder to sustain a relationship. It’s no surprise that Cops have one of the highest divorce rates of any profession (with multiple marriages), higher domestic violence issues then the general population, and they also have very high suicide rates. So I wouldn’t say never date a cop—but you have to be discerning and realistic. Link to post Share on other sites
lino Posted May 11, 2010 Share Posted May 11, 2010 I don't understand why someone's job is relevant to some people when considering a possible partner. It's just their job... what brings them food to the table and it doesn't make them who they are. I don't like the police at all but if everything else was good with her, then I'd happily go out with a female cop. I'd judge her on herself, not on her job! Link to post Share on other sites
sally4sara Posted May 11, 2010 Share Posted May 11, 2010 It is because this type of job isn't one you just fall into. You have to actively seek out this occupation. And there are certain personalities that would feel compelled to want to be a cop. While it is possible that someone just comes from a family of cops and felt it was expected of them to do the same, it usually is more about a drive and desire to be in charge, in a position of power, and a comfort level with being aggressive. I remember some of the worst of my violent peers in school wanting to be cops. And a few of them did become cops. Link to post Share on other sites
ReadyforLove Posted May 11, 2010 Share Posted May 11, 2010 It is because this type of job isn't one you just fall into. You have to actively seek out this occupation. I totally agree, not everyone has it in them to be a police officer. In most cases, they are usually picked on in high school and decide to become a cop in order to get back at everyone who did them wrong. They feel like they have a sense of entitlement and power over everyone else. It is sad, but true! I've asked my friends to slap the sh*t out of me if I ever date a cop again! Link to post Share on other sites
NickelbackFan Posted May 11, 2010 Share Posted May 11, 2010 Let me start out by addressing Lizzie, the one Loveshacker with the least morals on the planet. I have read your posts, you outright condone lieing, cheating, infidelity, debauchery and other things that destroy interpersonal relationships on other levels. With that being said you don't know every Police Officer on the planet unless in your spare time you took a survey on their dating and life habits. My point, none of you have the right to cast judgement on this profession. Every profession has a few bad apples. Yes being a Police Officer comes with a position of authority but so do other professions such as Teachers, Politicians, CEO's of large companies, Doctors, etc. To say that you wouldn't date a cop because we all cheat is ludicrous. To justify it by saying you know what are job entails is also insane. Walk a mile in our shoes. Unless you have strapped on a gun and vest you have no clue what it takes and what we go through on a daily basis. For the poster who said most cops are on the prowl, well umm arent most single people in ANY profession on the prowl looking for a potential partner ? Doctors cheat, teachers cheat (with students) check the news, and Politicians are notorious for cheating example Elliot Spitzer. Authority has nothing to do with it. Authority is merely a tool for a job. And I have to disagree with the poster who said most cops become officers due to being picked on in high school, thats an old wives tale. I know many including myself who served honorably in the military prior to entering the field of Law Enforcement. To cast a blanket statement on one profession is purely ignorant. Link to post Share on other sites
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