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I have met a younger man......we need your help......


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I have met a younger man......we need your help...... Post: 1 | Quote:




I am in need of advice....badly....I have met a wonderful man whom I have dated for the past couple of months....now being the age I am you would think that I would have kept my feelings in tact but somehow this man swept me off my feet and I fell in love with him.....and he with me....Recently however I found out he was only 29 and I'm 41.......Do you think this relationship has a chance? I believe with all my heart it will.....if you want it too....and if we love each other as we say we do.....He is unsure....he thinks the age difference will interfere even though we love each other....I need some insight...Im not a stupid woman....I know all relationships take hard work and commitment....but I also believe that if 2 pople feel the way we do...that anything is possible...and that we should atleast continue to see each other and see where the road leads us....instead of throwing it away to the what ifs......

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The age difference shouldn't be an issue per say. I mean, who cares, as long as you're happy? But, like any visible anomaly in a relationship, you're going to have to be strong and prepared for comments, stares, painful gossip. More than that, I think the onus is on him now to decide whether or not he is willing to be a 37 year old man with a nearly 50 year old woman in a few year's time. It doesn't totally sound like he's convinced.


I would advise you to not make it an issue with him. Don't mention your age and don't highlight the difference. In other words, if you don't obsess about it, maybe he won't either. If you only recently found out one another's ages, he may still be a little surprised about the gap. Also, if you've only been together for a few months, now is probably not the time to obsess over one issue. You're still getting to know each other -- you may find out you can't stand the way he eats -- and then it won't matter if he's 29 or 49.


If it makes you feel any better, I do know a married couple where the woman is around 40 and the man is under 25. I had met them and thought they were nice, and my husband commented that he appeared to be much younger than she. I didn't even notice it, as he could easily pass for 30. Then someone else filled us in -- in a gossipy, oh-my-gosh-what-was-he-thinking? kind of way. I don't know how much this affects them, though. They have strong interests that bind them.


As you said yourself it's not an insurmountable problem, as long as your guy is totally committed to being with you.

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When I was 27 I dated a woman that was 42.


It didn't last long but the age difference WAS NOT the reason we broke up.


As long as you two are compatable, go for it.

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