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Surprise intimacy with a freind

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Posted in Dating, guess it belongs here.


I have a friend that a couple years ago I thought maybe we could be more but that never happened so we stayed friends. We'd go out and have a good time. Talk a lot about relationships etc etc Kinda lost touch for a few months this year. Then we got back in touch. She tends to do more of the contacting. Now again we get together every once in a while and go out. During the blizzard I ended up at her place and we both fell asleep mid conversation early in the morning. Nothing has ever happened between us.


So a few nights ago we met up with some other friends. Went out, partied. I went to drop her off and we were just talking in my SUV. When she got out I just suddenly decided to grab her and kiss her.. totally spur of the moment. We ended up with a pretty hot and long mostly naked make out session in the back of my SUV parked on the street. We could have had sex but I held back on going that far. Since then we've talked on the phone a couple times just to say hi what's up but neither of us brought it up yet. So far I'm just playing cool and patient to see what plays out. Next time I actually see her face to face I'll bring it up though. I wonder if she might be thinking that it was just one of those buzzed moments and will back off or if something might come of this.


How should I approach this?

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