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Contact between dates


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Say, between the first date and second date, should there be contact besides setting up and confirming the next date?


Should it be texting or over the phone?


How often should there be contact? I don't think a daily basis but maybe every two to three days?


How about between subsequent dates after the first and second?

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Well depends on the gap I guess but I wouldn't be worried if there wasn't much contact you don't really know each other yet.

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This is where I usually screw up because it really depends on the other person. Some I have text and called everyday in between and turned into a 2 year relaionship. On the other hand I have have come on too sctrong with this and lost the second date.


First thing I would say is be patient and do what you would normally for anyone else. For me because I tend to come on too strongly, I will only take a day in between and see how the conversation goes. If she seems short ill leave her alone until the next day or 1 day later. If she seems into the conversation keep texting or call later.


I never go over a day without communicating because in a world of the information age waiting 2-3 days seems like your uninterested. only because communicationis convenient now and everyone expects it.


If a girl doesnt contact me after 2 days I move on. I imagine some would feel the same if I didnt contact them.


I usually wait late in the evening to talk because then I dont have anything distracting me and neither should they. If they go to bed they might say something like "talk to you tomorrow" theres your queue to talk the next day. Kinda have to play it by ear.


You guys also need space from eachother as well

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Say, it's a week between dates.


I'm not sure because from my experience, I did speak a few times at the least between dates. You're right though. We do need space from each other.


I agree with playing it by the ear. How early on, the guy should be initiating most of the contact, yeah?


I don't think anyone likes coming on too strong.

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Say, between the first date and second date, should there be contact besides setting up and confirming the next date?

no just setting up and confirming. the less you talk over the phone the lesser your chances of screwing things up

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I think initially the guy will start most of the contact simply because the woman wants to be chased and as long as she continues giving you feedback with even a simple response you are ok, as soon as she stops responding then cut back and she what she does.


I went on a first date just last saturday and we have communicated in some way each day.


I dont want to send a million texts because I know she is busy so late at night I might ask how her day was and we might text for like 10 minutes and thats it.


Email is actually a really good way to communicate if you have it. Sometimes its more personal because you can actually sit down and write something a little deeper than a quick response and its not as personal as talking on the phone and she can check it as she pleases and if she responds you are good to go.


Most of my dates are only on the weekends simply because I dont have time or they dont either. So I try and communicate throughout the week but nothing really heavy. Might talk about a book I read or a joke I heard, sometimes even what I did at work whatever, just engage them and they will probably talk about the same things as you are. Keep it short and simple.

Edited by Ihavenoidea
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no just setting up and confirming. the less you talk over the phone the lesser your chances of screwing things up


Note taken!


I think initially the guy will start most of the contact simply because the woman wants to be chased and as long as she continues giving you feedback with even a simple response you are ok, as soon as she stops responding then cut back and she what she does.


I went on a first date just last saturday and we have communicated in some way each day.


I dont want to send a million texts because I know she is busy so late at night I might ask how her day was and we might text for like 10 minutes and thats it.


Email is actually a really good way to communicate if you have it. Sometimes its more personal because you can actually sit down and write something a little deeper than a quick response and its not as personal as talking on the phone and she can check it as she pleases and if she responds you are good to go.


Most of my dates are only on the weekends simply because I dont have time or they dont either. So I try and communicate throughout the week but nothing really heavy. Might talk about a book I read or a joke I heard, sometimes even what I did at work whatever, just engage them and they will probably talk about the same things as you are. Keep it short and simple


Yeah, I might go for emailing and a bit of texting. Nothing too long. I would must rather talk in person of course, so it seems reasonable to just call for setting up and confirming atm.

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From a woman's point of view, I think a little bit of contact is okay between dates, besides scheduling & confirming. A cute text message or a quick phone call goes a long way. Nothing over the top or nonstop, of course, but a little contact to know he is thinking of me is nice and always appreciated.

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From a woman's point of view, I think a little bit of contact is okay between dates, besides scheduling & confirming. A cute text message or a quick phone call goes a long way. Nothing over the top or nonstop, of course, but a little contact to know he is thinking of me is nice and always appreciated.


As a woman, I concur with this.


I'm a little bummed that the guy I'm dating doesn't contact me during the week, but we're taking it slow so not sure what to expect or how to act on my end either. We've been dating a little over a month now, btw.


I have sent him a text in the middle/end of the week just to say hi so he would know I'm interested in being asked out. I only asked him out once first, which was our 3rd date. Ok going off on a tangent here...lol.

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From a woman's point of view, I think a little bit of contact is okay between dates, besides scheduling & confirming. A cute text message or a quick phone call goes a long way. Nothing over the top or nonstop, of course, but a little contact to know he is thinking of me is nice and always appreciated.


So, something like an inside joke, something cute or maybe wishing her goodnight?


It seems that if there is sometime between dates, a little contact would make it bearable.


As a woman, I concur with this.


I'm a little bummed that the guy I'm dating doesn't contact me during the week, but we're taking it slow so not sure what to expect or how to act on my end either. We've been dating a little over a month now, btw.


I have sent him a text in the middle/end of the week just to say hi so he would know I'm interested in being asked out. I only asked him out once first, which was our 3rd date. Ok going off on a tangent here...lol.


It is probably good to stick with the natural pace but after dating for a month, I guess it should be a little different. Depends on the circumstances.


So, what would you like to receive in a text or a short phone call as contact from him during the week?

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So, something like an inside joke, something cute or maybe wishing her goodnight?


It seems that if there is sometime between dates, a little contact would make it bearable.




It is probably good to stick with the natural pace but after dating for a month, I guess it should be a little different. Depends on the circumstances.


So, what would you like to receive in a text or a short phone call as contact from him during the week?


Some texts like the following would be nice:


"Hi, just thinking of you and hope you're having a good day."


"Hi, just thinking of you and can't wait to see you on Saturday (or whenever your date is)."


Or a text that calls back to a joke or whatever that we recently had...anything really just to know he's thinking of me.

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Some texts like the following would be nice:


"Hi, just thinking of you and hope you're having a good day."


"Hi, just thinking of you and can't wait to see you on Saturday (or whenever your date is)."


Or a text that calls back to a joke or whatever that we recently had...anything really just to know he's thinking of me.


Would you respond back to it with your own text? Or, just smile and enjoy it.

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Here is a really crazy thought - why don't you contact her when you want to, instead of planning a particular number of times or ways?

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I send little texts here and there, unrelated to the next date just to keep the momentum going. I never go more than 2 days without contacting her. But don't smother her either cause you will come across needy.

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Would you respond back to it with your own text? Or, just smile and enjoy it.


Definitely respond.

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