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hey i need an answer.

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hey i just happend to stumble upon this forum.

well i wondered where i could find a girl. im a very difrent person the only kind of ppl i can hang with for more then a day is if i have a GF. and just anygirl wont work. and i dont go out because its exhousting and there all just about sex sure sex is great. but rather with a girl i like. well i have problems talking to girls since i dont have much to talk about and my "social energi runs out v very fast. i just want someone to care about and who cares about me. well just suporting someone would be great infact.


well about me. i like watching movies i can enjoy to read but i have major reading disorders. and games and the storie with in games intrests me. and doing rly pointless thing like getting somehthing on a game that others would call no lifing and yes i enjoy that kind of stuff. i dont like parties. sure they can have some ok moments but i say no thanks to parties. i have a magical way of thinking. well i have a jobb. almost 19 years old. very thin guy. but stronger then i look. long black hair. gonna cut that soon hmhm winter season i just lett it grow then. since i almost alweys have somthing on my head then :p im very suporting and all that. but my self i dont have any serius goals. soo where could i find someone like me cause i can only be with ppl who i relate to me in a way.

and i dont hate my life and all that. soo no piss like that here. well basicly anyone who likes me and like to forge a strong bond with. and i basicly think all girls are atractive. soo any advice.

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there are a lot of places to meet girls, but you will have to leave your house, especially in the beginning of a relationship! girls like to be taken places even if it is just something simple like mini golf, bowling or a movie.


if you want to meet someone who has similar interests as you, then you should join some kind of team or sport, or go out and do an activity that you enjoy. there are teams and clubs for just about everything! when i was younger, i saw my cousin at a pool hall, and he asked me to be on his pool league, i never even considered that something like that existed before, but i joined, met some cool people, and had a lot of fun!


point is, you need to get out and interact with people, that is how you will meet a girl, and be open to new things. good luck :)

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i get very drained with going out tho. even get mental blocks. even with my best friend its hard for me to talk to long when around others. i kind of have and intense need of beeing alone alot. personaly i think finding someone online maby would be the best then i would get to know alitle about them and stuff. before we got together. well i guess hopefully doing somthing. going out and e eating would be a disaster:P and its not like i need a girlfriend to live happy.

i had the little problem i didnt have the need to talk to any girl before i was like 17 well i amazingly managed to get one. i just talked about how i felt and how wierd it was sudenly feeling like this and sharing intrests and bam we where together for 8 months eventuly it was a long distance relationship i was down there 1 month. infact after the mounth i was down there she broke upp with me. i never rly know why. and well now i feel alitle betwen on how i was before and wanting someone alitle. im not emotionaly normal i belive. im short of schizotypal. thanks for you help anyways.

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sounds like having a girl not importen well i guess it is in a way. for me its like a million dollar anything i dont want any of that but having someone to share the simple things of life with would be great. for me heaven would be as simply as having someone.

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it is difficult to be in a relationship if you like to be on your own a lot :) but you sound like you are ready to take the next step. maybe you should try online dating, it might be a good avenue to meet other people who are socially shy, or just don't like going out into social situations.


have fun with it though! don't attach yourself to the first person you meet, see the different kinds of people there are out there, you may learn something new about yourself. maybe you just need someone to bring out the social butterfly in you!

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