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girlfriends mom

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me and my girlfriend broke up about a month ago and at first she did not want to talk to me and it hurt so bad i started giving her space and then she started calling me again. i have seen her 3 times the first time she came with a friend but we went int he back room and talked she huged me and kissed and told me she loved me. Then next time she cam by her self and we went toeat and we had sex everything was great. Yesterday i went to see her and we had a good time it was like we were almost like we were back together. I want her back so bad and i know it seems like we are back together but we are not. She says she loves me and wants us to have a great life together but she cant now. I hurt her becasue i was not for her when she needed me and she is afraid that if we get back together now i will do it again but i know i wont i cant. Another reason i think she wont is because she moved back in with her mom who dose not lie me. My girlfriend would always call her if we got in a fight and it made me look bad i can see why she dose not like me but she dose not know all the good stuff. Yesterday before her mom got home we were all over each other and everything was great then her mom got home and i could not kiss her when her mom went in the other room she would kiss me but we could not make any noise and she could not act like she still loves me. I love her so much and i know she loves me i am trying to get her to tell her mom everything but she hasent yet she said she is waiting for the right time. Any one know what i can do to get through to her mom? Also she has a friend who she just found out likes her. She says tht she dose not want him at all and not to worry she only want to be with me. Should i worry? I dont understand how she can say all she wants is me but she cant tell her mom and she says she cant be with me right now. I need help please tell me what you think i should do i love her so much

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I think you should just wait it out and see what happens. The mother is always going to be there..remember that. So, if she really loves you she will try to appease both of you, if not..move on!

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LMAO Angel, I thought so too "cheated on my partner with mom" or something along those lines!


Agree with the others. Give it time and see how the situation arises.

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