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anotha chance to see her

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ok.... ive known this grl for a pretty long time.. couple of years. She's really great to talk to. Although i have not seen her in about 2 years, we've still kept in contact through the net and at times the phone. Throughout those 2 years i have often wanted to see her again. I have also developed some strong feelings for her over the past year. She tells me a lot of things she does not want others to know, including things like her personal relationships between her friends of both gender. So i usually just sit there listening to her relationships. all of teh sudden she invites me to a party of some kind with some of her friends who i do not know. I didnt go because i thought she was just playin. But 3 days ago, she invites me yet again to another place to just hang out. But i didnt go because i was afraid to see her. This is because i wanna ask her out or tell her about my feelings towards her. My friends have even tought me how to tell her or ask her out. But like teh wuss i am, i didnt go.


So should i tell her about my feelings towards her and ask her out? I know that our relationship is basically living on a lie and a secret that i have kept. But i am also afraid that my feeling is not mutual and that we wouldnt be friends anymore because of my feelings and the confrontation. NOTE: she has also told me she liked this guy but the feelings she had for him are gone. But that has only been for like a month and i do not believe her feelings for him are gone.


thank u 4 ur time

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tough situation..


the only thing i can say is you never know what could happen intill you try. i mean what the worse that could happen...you could either start a wonderful relationship with this girl or she wont reciporcate your love and you can look for someone who can love you as much as you love them. You are only expressing your feelings and if she is a true friend she wont hate you for that.

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