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will revenge of cheateing remove resentmant

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ther wife and i have had problems she met a guy when i left a month ago and had sex, she has been in an emotional affair with him sence kinda toggling back in forth tring to decide rather or not she is in love with me < yeah what ever, so i brokie down and told her that i cheated finally as well. well this sat nite she was missing in action and claims to of been with a gf at a festival, and says she wouldnt answer cause we are seperated and yet she lives here and the dont have to answer to me any more,

so yesterday she comes over after moving some her stuff to her dads and we kinda kid about sex and she offer fwb,,,,possibly when just a week ago she was disgusted , this morning she sent panty pictures and hasnt really ytalked all day she is at work,

she has the cliterous cream and she took it and these eddible underware to her dads with her , of course i ask why take the under ware she said put them on for you maybe i'll send you and send a pic hmmmmm

so my may question is if she had sex with him saterday nite would that relieve her of the tention and pain that was sooooo tearing her hart out, remind you that that day she bought all new m,ake up and took her best victorioa secret purfume, and lied and said she was staying at hime and would text and talk up till she left,

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I'm having a hard time understanding you but it sounds like the both of you are PLAYING GAMES :rolleyes: plain and simple. Grow up! Having sex with different people, then with each other and clowning about it is not exactly a "marriage".

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Darth Vader
I'm having a hard time understanding you but it sounds like the both of you are PLAYING GAMES :rolleyes: plain and simple. Grow up! Having sex with different people, then with each other and clowning about it is not exactly a "marriage".



You two need to divorce, just get a good lawyer and get into IC.:eek:

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You asked her if her cheating would make her feel better.You just told her you dont care.

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Reality Drip

You're in a dead end, twisted relationship. Divorce and move on. Life could be a whole lot happier for the both of you.

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