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I will get over her!


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Hello again,


Thank you for the good advise Angel and Pete. I have decided to not try any kind of relationship with her in the future. I have one other concern I could use some help with. I have been alone all my life, very shy and not trusting of people in general. The few relationships I have had, (three) the women cheated on me. I have resigned myself to the fact that I am just not the kind of person that can be in a functional relationship. The problem I face is that I'm a forty-three year old graduate student at a major university. The people I associate with are twenty years younger than myself. Outside of school I have no friends my age. I have never been a social person and have been this way for so long I know no other way. I do not mind being alone. The problem is I find myself with these younger women even though I know it's for all the wrong reasons. I'm using their freindship to fill the voids in my life. Even though the reasons are clear to me I still get involved with them. I don't like this part of me and want to change it. It has been like this for about five years and I keep doing the same behaviors. How does one find contentment in being alone? I guess I have just given up, and resigned myself to these facts. Any suggestions?

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Are there no grad students near your age at the university?


How about graduate socials/ mixers. There have got to be some women who are older and wiser than undergrads.


It seems to me that you will keep getting a heartbreak if you have relationships with emotionally immature women.


Have you tried internet personals? You can meet people, at your own pace, with your same interests.


The most important thing you can do for yourself is to like yourself and not feel sorry for yourself for being alone.


Depression or desperation makes the opposite sex (male or female) run for cover.


Things will happen in time.


Good luck.

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Are there no grad students near your age at the university? How about graduate socials/ mixers. There have got to be some women who are older and wiser than undergrads. It seems to me that you will keep getting a heartbreak if you have relationships with emotionally immature women. Have you tried internet personals? You can meet people, at your own pace, with your same interests. The most important thing you can do for yourself is to like yourself and not feel sorry for yourself for being alone. Depression or desperation makes the opposite sex (male or female) run for cover. Things will happen in time. Good luck.

Thanks Miranda,


The grads my age are already involved in their lives outside of school. The few personals I tried on the net were moving way to fast for my taste. I do like my privacy and do not mind being alone. The problem is I jump into these situations with younger women thinking they will be what I'm looking for, when I'm not even sure myself what it is I'm looking for. I have these romantic ideas of what it is suppose to be like, but have not found it yet. I am an artist and an old romantic that likes life without complications. Only I'm the one that ends up making it complicated.

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