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ok theres this girl that ive know for a very long time, we've grown up together from the age of 4 years old, and now were both 23 year old....so i've know her almost my whole life, we've always been good friends, in public school we dated, then once we both went into highschool we kinda stopped talking...we jsut hung out with different people aorund that time. anyways a in the winter time after not really talking to her in a few years and asked if i wanted to go snowboarding with her. so i said sure and since then we've actually hung out alot. I really enjoy being with her but i would like to date her...my problem is im not sure if i were to ask if it would make things awkwards between the 2 of us or the fact that we know eachother so well and are so comfortable around eachother it would work out....anyways any ideas???

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