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Have a friend who gets off when somebody takes a dump on her...is this weird or what?


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I have a friend who only gets off when somebody takes a dump on her? Is this normal. I think this is very embarressing, because wy would anybody get off on somebodys poo?

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It's not normal, if normality is defined by conformity to a norm.


However, different strokes (NPI) for different folks. Some people are into different things, and from the popup windows I may or may not have run into, it seems that this is a fetish for some. If it's not for you, then you won't understand. It's honestly none of your business to pass judgement though, no idea why your friend told you this.


The only concern I would have is diseases inside the afforementioned poo, but that's also none of your business.

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How lucky your friend is!!


I'd probably feel a decade younger if I'd have been able to "get off" every time someone's taken a dump on me. :p

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I have a friend who only gets off when somebody takes a dump on her?


*wondering if this isn't all a joke... how you find someone willing to do this? :laugh:*


I've heard of much worse. Does she eat/taste the "poo"? :sick:



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I've heard of much worse. Does she eat/taste the "poo"?


Ya know, Deranged, I could've probably gone all evening without this image in my mind! :sick:



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Dare I ask why I'm suddenly having visions of Mr. Hankey?

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Seriously, how would you go about asking your partner to do this?...


Maybe it wouldn't be as gross if you were blindfolded. Just all warm.

I'm stopping now.



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Yes, Deranged, the bindfold would certainly make a huge difference! :rolleyes::sick::p


Now, before you can give an account of how you would imagine it would feel, smell, sound, and :sick: ...........taste, I'm outta here.


P.S. Welcome back :D

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What about scented synthetic "poo", Samson? You know... get the same feel and everything without having to worry about all the germies, bad smell/taste, etc!


Strawberry flavored poo. It could even be all rainbow colored and preeeetty so you wouldn't need the blindfold. :)


-Deranged (indeed)

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I worked with a guy who told he he actually drank urine from females while they were on his face.....ARRGG! Other than that, he actually seemed quite sexy and normal. I asked him how he got into that particular fetish....and he said he didn't know...it just turned him on.


I guess different strokes for different folks....DOES apply! HAHA!

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:confused: So what happens if the Poo-er gets performance anxiety and cant poo.... but has to force himself... man he would get pooped out from forcing himself!! :confused::p and the poo-ey would feel like crap cuz he couldnt do it!!! :eek::sick:
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And, converse to poo anxiety, there would be premature poopers :mad:


How embarrassing, and not to mention frustrating for all involved, having to clean your shorts. :eek:

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I have a friend who went out with this girl who got him to squat over a glass coffee table and take a dump. He said she got off on it>masterbated!!!

I dont understand the poop thing. Not gonna try.


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well.... to answer if tis normal or not, it is not normal. So no. To normal ppl, itd be digusting. but who knows wut normal is...

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That would suck if the guy got the runs while he was trying it on her. :sick:


I'm sure if you look for it on the internet you'll probably find some video of it. The sickest video i've seen on the net was a chick who used a dead trout as a dildo. She had the whole thing in her except for the head. You can tell this was a real thing too.

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