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My bf was cheating on with his ex gf. He was still sleeping with her, spending time with her, trying to rekindle the magic with her. I want to contact her because I am beyond pissed and I want her to know what a scumbag he is. Should I?

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You can if it will make you feel better.

But he will probably deny it & if she loves him she will believe any lie he feeds her.


He will tell her you are some psycho chick that won't leave him alone.


That's essentially what my STBXW told her OM & OM's family.

Even after I talked to them & told them the truth she is still with them.

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My bf was cheating on with his ex gf. He was still sleeping with her, spending time with her, trying to rekindle the magic with her. I want to contact her because I am beyond pissed and I want her to know what a scumbag he is. Should I?



I have a vengeful streak. I know its bad. I am about to use it on someone for an issue I am similarly having in fact. Most would say let it go and move on. I've had times in my life when the lack of resolution has bothered me. And have wished I could have confronted. Sometimes closing contact is the best thing you can do.


One thing I will warn you of though. Confronting her may not get the results you want. Getting an answer from her like "Oh I know about you" or "I don't care" will make you indignant and unhappy. Bear that in mind.

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I know people will say you are better off. I've read these forums a lot and have seen people tell you to distract yourself with things. It is hard to let go of something especially after you've been hurt. Think hard about what would give you resolution.

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When I was cheated on, I not only considered it a total betrayal from the SO, I also felt that it was quite clear that since this other man knew I was engaged to his ex at the time (even if he didn't know me personally), he was committing a severe crime against me; essentially walking all over my life and the thought of my existence.


I felt strongly that my SO's ex should not be allowed to get away with what my SO did to me to his poor fiance, so I used facebook to get her information and sent her the indisputable evidence of her man's philandering with my SO. That's just too bad buddy, THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR DISRESPECTING ME!

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Reality Drip

No. The problem with that is you look like the idiot in that situation.


Let them go off and do their thing. Funny thing about it is, if you just walk away from the situation THAT'S what's going to stay on their minds the most. Stirring up drama is what crazy people do and it always ends poorly.


Be seen in public with a guy friend or something; show them that life goes on. Oh, and don't go after him again because he WILL do it again to you.


Exes are hard to say "no" to for a guy.



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