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I know SEVERAL people who have lost tons of weight by abiding by the point scale. I've tried it and it's not even HARD, you still feel like you're eating (and you essentially get to choose what you eat!). I'm interested on how successful your attempts at WW were.


Similarly, I've heard good things about Alli (while on WW). Since you're strictly counting points, you're less likely to have the negative consequences of Alli. A friend of mine lost 30 lbs in about 4 months doing WW and taking Alli.


Comments? Suggestions?

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Funny story about Alli... My mom started taking it and lost 10 pounds. I was impressed so when I was there for dinner one night I took a few pills before dinner- and I almost crapped my pants (literally):p. I was afraid to drive home after since I knew I'd be in the car for 45 minutes.


Anyway, she's lost 20lbs just taking Alli alone without doing anything else.

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Funny story about Alli... My mom started taking it and lost 10 pounds. I was impressed so when I was there for dinner one night I took a few pills before dinner- and I almost crapped my pants (literally):p. I was afraid to drive home after since I knew I'd be in the car for 45 minutes.


Anyway, she's lost 20lbs just taking Alli alone without doing anything else.


Oh my gosh girl hahahah, I think you're only allowed to take ONE after your meal, haha. Well alright, I shall try it!

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Oh my gosh girl hahahah, I think you're only allowed to take ONE after your meal, haha. Well alright, I shall try it!


Yes, only 1, lol. I don't know where my head was- thinking 3 would super-charge the effect:lmao:. It was tantamount to taking a laxative:o:lmao:.

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Star Gazer

Have you tried this yet? I know it's only been 5 days, but I'm curious if you're...um...experiencing the after effects?

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Nooo. I can't seem to get myself on a solid foundation to seriously diet. I've been making better choices, but the mentality isn't there. Grrrrr

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I tried Alli last year (not with WW).


Results? If you are careful, you can loose weight. But there are effects ;) if you aren't careful..bad ones.


I lost 15lbs, but you know what? I could have done it with regular dieting. The thing about ALLI is you HAVE to eat under a certain amount of fat..or DUN DUN DUN!!


But I realized if I just watched what I ate, without Alli, I also lost weight. So to me, it wasn't worth the trouble and cost.


But I have heard really good things about it too, so let us know how it works out for you.

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Jilly Bean

Why don't you try EATING LESS to lose your weight?


So sad people are always looking for some quick fix to obesity. Like taking a magic pill.


Doing that may get people to lose the weight, but as soon as they stop taking pills, they go right back to being their old, fat selves.


D-Lish - too funny. :lmao:

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I am thinking of getting Hoodia to supress my apetite. I can't seem to lose a single pound despite my efforts in eating less/exercising in the last couple of months. In fact, I am 2lbs heavier :(


I am pretty desparate and since I can't take stimulants, I am thinking a combo of ALLI and Hoodia might work.

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The only way Hoodia that works is eating the actual plant, which itself is an endangered species. Nearly all the stuff on the market uses extracts, etc which don't really do anything. You'd be better off saving your money, and looking into tweaking your diet. You don't need diarrhea bombs like Alli either.


If you are eating less and taking in fewer calories, your body will literally fight you to start storing as much as it can in fat because your brain thinks you are starving. The key is not to eat less, but eat differently. Eliminate HFCS, avoid 'white' foods (rice, bread) and sub in 'brown' (brown rice, 100% whole grain bread), eat lean proteins, etc. If you can't identify an ingredient in what you are eating, then don't eat it. Stick with the simplest form of any given food. Avoid anything labeled as "low fat" (that usually means a lot of HFCS/sugar), "low calorie" (fake sweeteners).


Your body needs sugar and fat. Not fake sweeteners and lab made fats. Your body takes in this fake stuff and guess what? It still needs the real deal, and if you aren't taking it in your body can't process the fake stuff well so it stores it as fat and basically forces you to be hungry all the time so that you will take in the 'real deal'.


I'm not saying go out and snarf cheeseburgers. Take in fats like nuts, avocados, olives, olive oil, etc. Consume stuff made with real sugar in small amounts. Throw out the table sugar and only use turbinado sugar or only pure cane sugar if you have to use sugar at all. Your body needs these things. If you give your body these, and eliminate the fake stuff your cravings will go away and your body will be able to actually burn these as fuels instead of storing them as fat.


As for drinking stuff, unsweetened tea (preferably green) or water, and plenty of it.

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