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How should I proceed?

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I'm crazy about this girl I've known for years. I haven't had much contact with her recently, but everytime I see her, the feelings just come back as strong as ever. The problem is, she has a 'history' with one of my best friends. I've always been too afraid to take it any further in fear of that getting in the way.


Everytime we talk, everything just clicks. I'm not nervous around her and feel very comfortable in her company. I just can't bring myself to take it a step further in fear that she isn't as interested as I am.


Also everytime I see her, my friend who she was involved with is always there, making it impossible to ask her out.


I'm in a complete flurry over how to proceed, and it kills me to think of never giving it a shot with her.

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I'm on a similar situation but it's kinda standing by for the moment. Anyway... If you really know her, knowing if she is interested shouldn't be a problem. And about your friend... If his relationship ended recently maybe you should wait... If they're really done. I don't see why this should be a problem for you.

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