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he won't give up

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I went out with one of my friends for about 2 months and before this we talk for two months. When i finally broke up with him i didnt know how so i gave him some dumb excuse saying maybe in a few weeks. Well, i had to tell him the truth so that's what i did a few weeks after i lied to him. I told him i did not like him any more. He got so upset. i told him i still wanted to be friends casue he is a really good friend and i didnt want to loose that. Everytiem we would hang out as friends he would think that i was flirting and this got really annoying so i just ignored him for a few weeks. Just yesterday i was talking to him and we decided to chill for a bit. So everything was cool. I had a good time and so did he. That night i was talking to his friend and he was talking to my ex online. My ex would not stop talking about me. His friend told me i really should tell him that their will never be a future with us so i got online and told him. He told me that he still had feelings for me same as before and i told him how i felt. He used that lie that said "im not really looking for a relationship" ok thats fine casue i dont care really. After our conversaion (me and my ex) i was talking to his friend and my ex told him that he was not giving up. i really am annoyed at this. Why cant he just give up! What do i tell him. I already told him i dont liek him and there is no future. I jsut dont know what to do anymore. Please help!

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billy the kid

most guys encluding my self do not want to just be friends after dating unless that is all that it ever was, was a friendship.. you did break up with this guy and that's cool but if he can't handle it you might have a serious problem. I would suggest not taking to him any more, stop discussing him with friends,, and above all staying away from him

I went out with one of my friends for about 2 months and before this we talk for two months. When i finally broke up with him i didnt know how so i gave him some dumb excuse saying maybe in a few weeks. Well, i had to tell him the truth so that's what i did a few weeks after i lied to him. I told him i did not like him any more. He got so upset. i told him i still wanted to be friends casue he is a really good friend and i didnt want to loose that. Everytiem we would hang out as friends he would think that i was flirting and this got really annoying so i just ignored him for a few weeks. Just yesterday i was talking to him and we decided to chill for a bit. So everything was cool. I had a good time and so did he. That night i was talking to his friend and he was talking to my ex online. My ex would not stop talking about me. His friend told me i really should tell him that their will never be a future with us so i got online and told him. He told me that he still had feelings for me same as before and i told him how i felt. He used that lie that said "im not really looking for a relationship" ok thats fine casue i dont care really. After our conversaion (me and my ex) i was talking to his friend and my ex told him that he was not giving up. i really am annoyed at this. Why cant he just give up! What do i tell him. I already told him i dont liek him and there is no future. I jsut dont know what to do anymore. Please help!
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its not like hes dangerous. At least i dont think so but everytime i would tell him i didnt want anything more then friends he would,like, ignore what i said. I asked one of his friends what they thoughtabout if he would get obsessed and she said he wasnt that kind of guy. I really dont want to loose this friendship though should i just be straight and tell him to give up or something but thank you for you advice ill try it

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bily the kid

You said in your previous post that you wanted to break it off with him, yet he won't leave you alone.. do what you will but I really don't think there should be anymore discussions between the two of you if you really want this to end..I've been there and done that and had it done to me. break it off completely or he will always think there is hope.. sorry

its not like hes dangerous. At least i dont think so but everytime i would tell him i didnt want anything more then friends he would,like, ignore what i said. I asked one of his friends what they thoughtabout if he would get obsessed and she said he wasnt that kind of guy. I really dont want to loose this friendship though should i just be straight and tell him to give up or something but thank you for you advice ill try it
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