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Love or Like? getting confused

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What is the difference between love a person and like a person?

I am in midst of divorce and started to get confused over the line.


One's heart wil pound for the other person when they are in love (initial stage). Does love turn into commitment after years of relationship?


Why would people cheat? I have read through the thread posted earlier. I suppose one cheat when his/her love surpass their commitment level towards their spouse. Am I right?


Please feel free to drop notes.....Thanks for any advices

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Well....a person can 'love' you but no longer be 'in love' with you. I guess that's more than 'like'.


When people get divorced all sorts of verbiage is thrown around cause there really isn't adequate words to use. I think everyone stays confused until the dust settles.


I don't know if love turns into commitment. I think commitment is part of love....and should walk hand in hand with it.


Yeah....cheating has surpassed the initial 'love commitment' phase of the marriage.


I know it's hard to go thru a divorce. Try to keep yourself occupied....post....see some movies....try not to dwell on the loss you are feeling.


I'm sorry you are going thru all this. No matter WHAT words are used.....Divorce sucks!

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Thats kind of a difficult question i think..


From my perspective 'love' is not restrickted to man-woman relationships even if you are hetero. You can love a good friend or love your parents, uncle, aunt, whoever. And you can love you spouse or you can be 'in-love' which is something completely different i think.


Being 'in-love' is something which infuences you physically and which you cannot controll. People who are in love have increased heartbeat rate and body temparature. So its really a state of being more then anything...


In my book to like someone is very superficial. In most cases so is being 'in-love'. I think that if you like someone who you are attrackted to then chances are very high that you might fall in love with them. But i find it very superficial. To like someone is more appropriate for someone you dont really know very well i think.


I find that the gap between having a friend of the oposite sex (when you are hetero) and a spouse is actually fairly narrow. I think physical attracktion is the differents. when you have a friend of the oposite sex which you love AND you have a spouse who you also love then the differents would be that with your spouse you are having sex and are feeling physically attrackted to, while with your friend it is different since you dont get the urge to 'jump her bones'.......if you do then that means your more then friends! (atleast from your side)


Sry to hear about your divorce. I wish you all the strengt to get through this difficult time. You should really try and not to think about it any more then you have to.

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