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2nd Post: Our Girls broke up with us, Should we be pals and Move In Together???

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I posted before, But I'm still not sure what to do.


Quick Summary: My girlfriend borke up with me 6 months ago because she wanted to feel she could make it on her own,

since we had been together for 4 years. It broke my heart but I let her go, well, she never moved out and after 3 weeks

pleaded with me to forget about everything and let's be a couple again, she loved me too much.


Then four months later, her best friend broke up with her guy of 7 years. It rattled me a little bit but I just hoped my girl

was still cool with me. Well, A week later I asked her and she confessed she was unsure about us AGAIN. I was hurt a second time.

She said maybe she should have just moved out the first time.


THEN, the other boyfriend started calling me. I had known him fairly well, we got togther once or twice to hang out. He had heard about

me and I had heard about him so we started talking and tryin to help each other out.


Long Story Short...His girl doesn;t look like she even wants to get back together with him at all. She hasn't called him in a Month. He's called her, but she never is very talkative or warm.

My girl just needs some time and she seems like she wants to possibly get back together someday, maybe, but at least for now

we agreed we'd be really close friends(even though it kills me cuz I love her so much) and we are still going to do things together occassionally. She loves me very much and keeps telling me that she just needs this space and this time for herself and doesn;t ever want to lose me, that i'm her favorite peron in the whole world, etc. HIS girl is telling him nothing, no encouragement or comfort.


The girls have gotten a place together. They moved in LAst week. NOW my buddy wants US to get a place. But I sort of want to be on my own.

PLUS, i think it would make things uncomfortable if we moved in together because our girls are living together. My girl would probably never want to come to my house and if she did, it would probably be awkward for my buddy since my girl lives with the girl he loves but won't talk to him, I don't know, It just doesn't seem like a good idea. I feel bad for the guy and want to help him out, But I just don't know how to tell him

that I just would prefer to be on my own. He's itching to get a place because he's living out of a friend's garage.



Any thoughts?

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Just say that you thought about it, and you really don't think that it'll be good for either of you to live together. I find that it's always best to be honest. That way they can't get mad or anything - what are they going to do if it's not what you want?


Good luck with it.

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So I shouldn't make up a story or anything?



I just feel bad for the guy and it's such a weird situation, never been thru anything like this.

I'm not a wuss or anything, I can be honest, I just don't want to let the guy down, Yet I know

it's going to be an awkward living situation. even if we agreed to not talk about our ex's, it would still

be weird. Now if we moved in together But we Moved To The UK, that would be different.


Thanks for the advice. I'll just be honest and up front with him.

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