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When did Curvy Start meaning Fat?

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Probably because you think my okcupid profile should look like this:


Fatty seeks same!


Hi, I'm Brainy! I have a great job and three great kids! I enjoy hiking, bike riding, and playing with my silly dog.


I am looking for a serious long term relationship.


Before you go any further, please be aware that I AM FAT!


Yup, I wear a size sixteen. My bust size is 36 DD and I look horrible in a thong.


Full body shots taken in the dressing room at old navy (horrible lighting there) to follow. Click at your own risk!


Right, that's a realistic thing to demand of others.


Or, people can realize that there are all sorts of body types out there. And while some are "healthier" than others and some are "more attractive" than others, there is more to a person than their weight.


Actually, I really don't give a hoot what your OkCupid profile says. In fact, of the few posts I made, most mentioned my experiences with men who were deceptive about their weight.


Apparently, according to you and other posters, men have been "bashing fat women" for the past 10 pages of this thread. I haven't seen you direct any hostility at them.


Of course there are lots of body types. People can be attracted to whatever they please. And I have never argued otherwise.

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Actually, I really don't give a hoot what your OkCupid profile says. In fact, of the few posts I made, most mentioned my experiences with men who were deceptive about their weight.


Apparently, according to you and other posters, men have been "bashing fat women" for the past 10 pages of this thread. I haven't seen you direct any hostility at them.


Of course there are lots of body types. People can be attracted to whatever they please. And I have never argued otherwise.


You think your attitude isn't the same towards heavy guys who call themselves athletic or average when you consider them fat?


I'm not male, but I'm sure that if a guy honestly liked you and asked you out he'd be hurt, at least a bit, if he knew you were saying "I can't believe he called himself athletic, he's a blubber ball!"


Online dating is a bit like advertising. No advertiser will tell you their food is full of artificial crap, or that their cars rattle apart after two years. They have special photographers that take pictures of products to make them look tastier, bigger, and better than they actually are.


Calling oneself curvy instead of saying "I have a tummy that wont go away not matter what I do" is the same thing.

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You think your attitude isn't the same towards heavy guys who call themselves athletic or average when you consider them fat?


I'm not male, but I'm sure that if a guy honestly liked you and asked you out he'd be hurt, at least a bit, if he knew you were saying "I can't believe he called himself athletic, he's a blubber ball!"


I'd never call anyone a blubber ball. I'd more likely say, "sorry, you just aren't my type." In my mind, keeping a guy around on the back burner when I know for a fact that I will not be attracted to him, is much worse than giving it to him straight.


Online dating is a bit like advertising. No advertiser will tell you their food is full of artificial crap, or that their cars rattle apart after two years. They have special photographers that take pictures of products to make them look tastier, bigger, and better than they actually are.


I completely agree with you. Which is why I'm glad I'm not dating anymore.


Everything you've said doesn't diminish someone's right, and ultimately, their tendency, to express displeasure at being deceived. Especially on an anonymous, public forum such as this. There are going to be some harsh opinions when people are not held accountable for them in real life. But if everything is well and good in your life as you say, you shouldn't let random people on the internet having a discussion ruin your day.

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I'd never call anyone a blubber ball. I'd more likely say, "sorry, you just aren't my type." In my mind, keeping a guy around on the back burner when I know for a fact that I will not be attracted to him, is much worse than giving it to him straight.




I completely agree with you. Which is why I'm glad I'm not dating anymore.


Everything you've said doesn't diminish someone's right, and ultimately, their tendency, to express displeasure at being deceived. Especially on an anonymous, public forum such as this. There are going to be some harsh opinions when people are not held accountable for them in real life. But if everything is well and good in your life as you say, you shouldn't let random people on the internet having a discussion ruin your day.


I've been accused of carting a soap box around with me, sometimes I see something online that causes me to climb up on it. I'd say the same thing to you if you were sitting in the coffee shop with me talking like that.


Turning someone down is one thing. Making fun of them and calling them liars or saying you were deceived amounts to something entirely different.

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I've been accused of carting a soap box around with me, sometimes I see something online that causes me to climb up on it. I'd say the same thing to you if you were sitting in the coffee shop with me talking like that.


Turning someone down is one thing. Making fun of them and calling them liars or saying you were deceived amounts to something entirely different.


I've never once made fun of someone or called them names. But I'm sorry, if a guy is 60lbs overweight and checks the "athletic" body-type box, he's being deceptive (or perhaps he's just delusional). There has only been one instance in my dating history where I met someone from the internet who looked vastly different from his profile. And I told him, politely, that he simply wasn't my type.


You've made direct judgements and assumptions about me, while I've made none about you. Having your soap box is all well and good, I just think your anger is misdirected, and I find it rather puzzling. But, carry on, as I'm sure you will.

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Women have no problems saying what traits they find unnatractive in men yet if men state their preferences women start whining


dont dish it out if u cant take it

Edited by SteveC80
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Or, people can realize that there are all sorts of body types out there. And while some are "healthier" than others and some are "more attractive" than others, there is more to a person than their weight.


It just bothers me that FAT WOMEN took all the SEXY descriptions that used to actualy mean something. I don't think any fit women would dare call herself CURVY because of what it has come to mean.


I seriously think that FAT WOMEN THINK THEY HAVE NICE BIG BREASTS... I will take smaller shapely breasts on a healthy woman OVER FAT UNSHAPED BREASTS any day.

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It just bothers me that FAT WOMEN took all the SEXY descriptions that used to actualy mean something.
Once again, no damn different than bigots whining about gay people taking a purple triangle or rainbow away from the straight crowd and forever taint it with their gayness. You find them revolting so you are bothered by the fact that these women could dare to use any terminology about their bodies that does not exude self-loathing from every pore.
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Women have no problems saying what traits they find unnatractive in men yet if men state their preferences women start whining


dont dish it out if u cant take it

Yes, because we know that males aren't also discriminated against or marginalized for the same damn reason. :::facepalm:::

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Once again, no damn different than bigots whining about gay people taking a purple triangle or rainbow away from the straight crowd and forever taint it with their gayness. You find them revolting so you are bothered by the fact that these women could dare to use any terminology about their bodies that does not exude self-loathing from every pore.


Gayness is a great example actualy. I'm not against gay people what so ever but the word GAY used to mean something completly different than it does today. Same goes for the word curvy.


You wouldn't tell some one you were having a GAY time and expect them to think that meant you were having fun because the word GAY stopped being used that way for the most part.

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Gayness is a great example actualy. I'm not against gay people what so ever but the word GAY used to mean something completly different than it does today. Same goes for the word curvy.


You wouldn't tell some one you were having a GAY time and expect them to think that meant you were having fun because the word GAY stopped being used that way for the most part.


Our language tends to change and there are plenty of words around with more than one meaning. There are however two problems with your example. The first is that the body structure for terms like curvy and thick have always been open to personal interpretation so it's not the same as changing a raven into a writing desk as you are still talking about the same general concept instead of two separate ones.


Secondly, most of the time this is a complete non-issue as no one really minds, except in cases such as these. The notion that one should refrain from using certain terminology to describe themselves because they are so lowly that it would ruin the positive qualities of that word has more to do with the frame of mind of the one objecting to it as opposed to the actual words being used in and of themselves.

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Our language tends to change and there are plenty of words around with more than one meaning. There are however two problems with your example. The first is that the body structure for terms like curvy and thick have always been open to personal interpretation so it's not the same as changing a raven into a writing desk as you are still talking about the same general concept instead of two separate ones.


Secondly, most of the time this is a complete non-issue as no one really minds, except in cases such as these. The notion that one should refrain from using certain terminology to describe themselves because they are so lowly that it would ruin the positive qualities of that word has more to do with the frame of mind of the one objecting to it as opposed to the actual words being used in and of themselves.


It's like the overuse/misuse of the word Awsome.... People have been using the word curvy and TO ME at least it doesn't mean what it used to any more.


I'm obviously not the only one who feels this way as plenty of people have come on and agreed with me.

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Our language tends to change and there are plenty of words around with more than one meaning. There are however two problems with your example. The first is that the body structure for terms like curvy and thick have always been open to personal interpretation so it's not the same as changing a raven into a writing desk as you are still talking about the same general concept instead of two separate ones.


Secondly, most of the time this is a complete non-issue as no one really minds, except in cases such as these. The notion that one should refrain from using certain terminology to describe themselves because they are so lowly that it would ruin the positive qualities of that word has more to do with the frame of mind of the one objecting to it as opposed to the actual words being used in and of themselves.


Yes, indeed, BM. Well said. I wonder how someone like Green would classify Queen Latifah? To me, she's a sex-pot.

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Yes, indeed, BM. Well said. I wonder how someone like Green would classify Queen Latifah? To me, she's a sex-pot.


She's sexy, but still a little overweight- and I suspect she wears spanx:laugh:

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She's sexy, but still a little overweight- and I suspect she wears spanx:laugh:


Mabe she does. I couldn't care less. The force of her personality tells me she would be good in bed. Because she's bright, creative, and yeah, just damn sexy! She's got it going on.

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Mabe she does. I couldn't care less. The force of her personality tells me she would be good in bed. Because she's bright, creative, and yeah, just damn sexy! She's got it going on.


She's a sexy lady for sure Shakz...

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I'm obviously not the only one who feels this way as plenty of people have come on and agreed with me.


Plenty of people agreeing with you means absolutely nothing in terms of the validity of what was stated.

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Women have no problems saying what traits they find unnatractive in men yet if men state their preferences women start whining


dont dish it out if u cant take it


On that note you can find like a zillion threads with guys complaining about how women judge them matter of fact one of the regulars is im to short women don't want me! BUT there is a difference between saying some one is short and making out that there almost not human.


After all as suggested by some in this thread overweight people are apparently not capable of being loved and excepted for who they are the guy must be settling after all cause no one in their right mind would want a overweight partner!


Or whats another example oh were apparently bad in working situations as well and im sure if I go back I can find lots more redirect ripe for the picking. There is being selective witch is great and any ones right especially when it comes to dating and then there is just being a bigot thats the difference.


It goes both ways no one likes to be judged on how they look alone its just that degrading and dehumanizing overweight people has been so socially excepted that we more times then not wont stand up for ourselves cause we have been groomed to feel that we should be ashamed of who we are looks like thats changing for the better.


No one has to like me but if you wanna be openly disrespectful towards me for no other reason then I look different then you then I will defend myself simple as that.

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Now trying to go back on topic a little here I agree Green people shouldn't misinterpret them selves on dating sites granted but then again isent there a main profile pic of these women your talking about?


So you look thu there profile and they have used the word curvy and that ticks you off well why even look thu it? You sound young im guessing your eyes work well cant you see that theses "curvy" women are in fact in some instances overweight?


Honestly with todays crazy standards who knows what to call themselves im sure if I posted a pic of some super model there would be people who would pick it apart and say how overweight she is.


Its one thing if im in a dating site and I say im thin on my profile cause thats just not even in the same ballpark but curvy I don't know to me anyways it breaks down like this....


Thin = women who have less body weight then others their hight example I use to have a gf who was about 6ft and weighted 115 pounds sokeing wet you could see some of her bones thats thin to me.


Average = women who are not chubby but not thin for there hight say maybe a 5ft6 women who weighs between 120 to 140ish pounds.


Chubby = Women with a little more weight on their bones but not overweight this may be the category were the "curvy" women fit in best bigger boobs little more rear end but still has a shape to them. Like others have said Marylin Monroe comes to mind and more recently queen latifa for a few examples maybe those are the sort of women your seeing as fat? instead of curvy?


You do know that with out a little extra weight on their frame its hard for allot of women to be naturally "curvy" to have a tiny frame with large boobs/butt usually isent a natural thing im sure there can be exceptions but im just saying usually not natural OK moving on.


Overweight = women who have extra weight on their body's they can still be curvy but more times then not they do not have that shape to them.


Obese = Now there is a difference between overweight and obese of course obese is well a women who has ide say 50 % or more body fat on them obese is when your weight starts to affect your daily life in negative ways witch is never good.

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Some overweight women will refer to themselves as curvy, having a few extra pounds, or BBW (big beautiful woman).


Men usually look for either a slim woman, or a curvy ) ( woman with a feminine face. An overweight woman has the opportunity to lose weight and likely become what men are looking for physically. However, a lot of men don't have the option of becoming what women want physically. For instance, many women prefer tall men, but men can't increase their height. A short man is a short man for life. Shoulder width is also a major factor, but men can only make their shoulders slightly larger/wider, so the change is minimal. Muscle mass is another factor, but slim men are very limited in the amount of muscle they can add. Yet with a lot of women, they only need to lose weight and get into shape. Think if all the overweight women lost weight and had healthy bodies. That would really change the dating landscape, and who knows, maybe even OpenGL might find a girl.

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Some overweight women will refer to themselves as curvy, having a few extra pounds, or BBW (big beautiful woman).


Men usually look for either a slim woman, or a curvy ) ( woman with a feminine face. An overweight woman has the opportunity to lose weight and likely become what men are looking for physically. However, a lot of men don't have the option of becoming what women want physically. For instance, many women prefer tall men, but men can't increase their height. A short man is a short man for life. Shoulder width is also a major factor, but men can only make their shoulders slightly larger/wider, so the change is minimal. Muscle mass is another factor, but slim men are very limited in the amount of muscle they can add. Yet with a lot of women, they only need to lose weight and get into shape. Think if all the overweight women lost weight and had healthy bodies. That would really change the dating landscape, and who knows, maybe even OpenGL might find a girl.


My point was every one deserves respect overweight, thin, short, pink, purple and so on thats all I was saying. Its the total degrading of overweight people that I have an issue with not people being selective when it comes to dating.


Honestly is there a massive shortage of thin/average women for you guys out there that the mere existence of overweight women annoys you? If its not your cup of tea move on simple.


Or are some bitter that the so called "hot" women don't want to date you so you take it out on overweight ones? I don't particularly care for balding guys so I wouldn't choose to date one thats my choice.


But I def wouldn't be bitter/disrespectful to them ether I think im done here I got across my points the best I could I think most of its going to fall on deaf ears anyways.

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My point was every one deserves respect overweight, thin, short, pink, purple and so on thats all I was saying. Its the total degrading of overweight people that I have an issue with not people being selective when it comes to dating.


Honestly is there a massive shortage of thin/average women for you guys out there that the mere existence of overweight women annoys you? If its not your cup of tea move on simple.


Or are some bitter that the so called "hot" women don't want to date you so you take it out on overweight ones? I don't particularly care for balding guys so I wouldn't choose to date one thats my choice.


But I def wouldn't be bitter/disrespectful to them ether I think im done here I got across my points the best I could I think most of its going to fall on deaf ears anyways.


I would never treat an overweight women poorly. A true gentleman would never mistreat someone, no matter how they look. However, I do wish that overweight women would lose weight for their own good, and because it would help the overall male population in finding a woman to date.

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Our language tends to change and there are plenty of words around with more than one meaning. There are however two problems with your example. The first is that the body structure for terms like curvy and thick have always been open to personal interpretation so it's not the same as changing a raven into a writing desk as you are still talking about the same general concept instead of two separate ones.


Secondly, most of the time this is a complete non-issue as no one really minds, except in cases such as these. The notion that one should refrain from using certain terminology to describe themselves because they are so lowly that it would ruin the positive qualities of that word has more to do with the frame of mind of the one objecting to it as opposed to the actual words being used in and of themselves.



I don't meant to get all religous on here or anything, but I heard on some radio show....well, it was a talk show with like 5 people on it, and they were talking about holidays, like Christmas or whatever, talking about taking the "Christ" out of Christmas.....and someone chimed in...."In the Bible it says...in regards to doomsday, that words and terminology will SWITCH around to mean the opposite." Like things that had been once ethical would be bad, and whatever was good is now bad. Talks about people manipulating words to mean the complete OPPOSITE of what they're suppose to REALLY mean.


At one time, people used to sugar coat things or play them off lightly, now, they're just choosing to REDEFINE the terms and meanings out there.

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Yes, indeed, BM. Well said. I wonder how someone like Green would classify Queen Latifah? To me, she's a sex-pot.


Plenty of people agreeing with you means absolutely nothing in terms of the validity of what was stated.


Look you were the one who said "most of the time this is a complete non-issue as no one really minds, except in cases such as these."


So I replied to that by pointing out plenty of people in this thread alone are disagreeing with you.


Do you have that much of an ego that you think nothing else matters but what you think?


Now trying to go back on topic a little here I agree Green people shouldn't misinterpret them selves on dating sites granted but then again isent there a main profile pic of these women your talking about?



What actualy prompted this thread for those of you that can remember is another thread about how a guy LIKED CURVY WOMEN... or something to that nature.


I agreed that I like truely curvy women... but that women who think/describe themselves as curvy are usualy FAT and SHAPELESS BLOBS.


So really I wouldn't limit what I'm complaining about to the word CURVY or DATING SITES... as I don't USE dating sites and I'm still bombarded with fat women who THINK they have GREAT CURVES or GREAT BREASTS.




The thing is the FAT BREASTS have bad SHAPE. I like women with good looking breasts over BIG FAT WEIRD LOOKING ONeS.

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I don't even look at her "body type". It's a meaningless question anyway. I look at her pictures and decide if I'm attracted. I've gone on dates with women of all different body types.


The attacks on larger women really get old. :mad:

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