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Quit playing games with my heart


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I'm with this girl and when ever we go out to a club or to a bar she is always flirting with some other guy.


I don't know what to do because I love her so much and I just don't know what to do.

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It doesn't seem like she's as madly in love with you as much as you are. Why not confront her with the problem? If she doesn't change her attitude, she's not worth it. And don't be afraid of dumping her...sometimes you gain more by doing the most impossible.


I'm with this girl and when ever we go out to a club or to a bar she is always flirting with some other guy. I don't know what to do because I love her so much and I just don't know what to do.
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Jack, you are experiencing what most girls go through. Men are very flirtatious creatures. However, flirtiness can just be part of an individual's nature/personality. You will have to confront your girlfriend to find out her true feelings for you and to let her know that her actions are hurting you. If this upsets her, then most likely you have a girlfriend that cannot be trusted. She will only break your heart.

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Hello Jack,


This is cassie.


What I think you should do is find her best friend and flirt with her, and get her really jealous so her heart will come running to you and change your aftershave.


Hope to hear from you cassie.

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