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FWB of Doom

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Acquaintances for 7 years...


Online friends for five months...


He broke up with his SO...


Shoulder to cry on for three hours...


FWB for two months...


Mutual profession of feelings declared (or development of)...


Two months later...left in the cold...he played me...


Broken Heart...


Never again...

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Women often enter into FWB relationships with the idea they might grow into something more. However, that almost never happens. You have to keep in mind that for many men, a monogamous, LTR is NOT the ideal situation. For men, FWB is the ideal situation. In a FWB, a man gets all the benefits of a LTR--affection, sex, companionship--but with no strings. FWB is the ultimate win/win, have-my-cake-and-eat-it-too situation, as far as men are concerned. Once a man gets you into a FWB, he'll NEVER want to change anything. Why would he? He's already getting everything he wants--for free!


Anyway, it sounds like you have learned all of this the hard way. Sorry for your trouble.

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