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Should I press charges?


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So my brother-in-law molested me since I was 16... I'm 20 now and it all stopped a few months ago. I had enough so the last time he tried Anything I told everyone.. I just left out everything that happend for 3 years. I finally told everyone everything and I am finally dealing with my issues. I wasn't planning on pressing charges but my niece is 10 and goes to his house every other weekend. Every time she goes he puts so much crap in her head and now she wants to live with him. I would love to think that he wouldn't do anything to his daughter but the fact that he knew me since I was 3, and the fact that I wasn't the first person he did this too scares me. I don't want my Brice to go through the hell that I had to go through. I'm just scared that I will go through all of this and no one will believe me. I need help!!

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Have you told everything, including the last 3 years of abuse to your parents and to the childs mother...your sister??

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I would do everything in my power to keep other little girls from being molested including your niece! You have a voice, please use it! I hope he hasn't already gotten to your niece.. molesters can be very nice, and loving ya know.

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If anything ever happened to your niece, you would find that difficult to live with. I would have him arrested immediately before he does it to someone else.

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