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Still Here...It's not getting any better

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I've posted a couple of threads about this FWB situation and it's not getting any better. Its officially been a year now and things are no more clearer than they were year ago. One thing that is clear is that I am completely in love with this guy. It's a feeling I have honestly never had for anyone. However, in the past year he has had about 3 relationships with women, none of which were me.


Currently he is living with a woman who left her husband for him. So I figured if I couldn't let him go, then I would just treat it exactly how he did, sex, nothing more. I stopped texting him and calling daily and slowly tried to break it off. About three weeks ago he called me out of the blue and told me he had broke up with the girl. He said he was done with her and that we would be spending lots more time together. Well not only have we not been spending time together, but he is back with her again.


The other day he called me and I guess caught me on a bad day because I met him and we slept together. But after, he told me he loved me. He has said this before but I just don't understand why. Sometimes when I look in his eyes it seems so much like he really does, but his actions don't show this. I don't know what to do anymore. I know that the only way to end this would be to cut him off completely, but I don't think I can. I dream about him all the time, almost every night. There's just a soft spot in my heart for him and a part of me that believes somewhere deep inside he really does love me. But then I have to ask myself why wouldn't he want to be with me? I haven't even thought about any other guy but him in the past year, and I just don't know how to move on.

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