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Does he love me?

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I have a best male friend who considered me as his best female friend, however, overtime i began to developed feeling for him and i want to know if he feels the same, I don't want to confess as i'm way too shy...

These are the things he does to me.

- When I get tease by other students, he defends me

- he buy me presents in important days

- he takes me home

- he always talk to me when he sees me

- whenever I look sad, he place his arms around me and comfort me

So are these enough sign to see if he loves me?

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If you are not willing to step up and ask or show him, you'll never know the answer. You can't throw chicken bones on the floor and read them to find out if he likes you. The only way is to act. The very fact that you are shy might be showing to him that you yourself aren't interested in him, which is why he could be hesitant to push things forward with you.


Though, I hate to say it, but if you have to ask yourself that question the answer is probably a solid "I like you as a friend" kind of deal.

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sorry my mistake, I didn't mean shy, I meant I don't have the courage to confess..., but anyway, that's why I didn't want to confess until I'm sure, because I'm scared that the answer would be like "I like you as a friend" and i fear that it might ruin our friendship.

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Well, unfortunately you can't read minds and you don't have a crystal ball that can accurately predict the future, so you might just have to take a risk. You just have to ask yourself if the risk is worth it or is it better to keep living in this state of hellish limbo.


Face it, the "friendship" is already ruined now that feelings are involved. You can never go back, so you might as well just go forward. Could you be around him if he was with a girlfriend and not feel like you are going to jump out of your skin?


It's not the end of the world if he tells you that he doesn't see you that way. Just accept it for what it is, cut contact with him for a bit so you can heal and seek other men, and move on with your life. In due time maybe the two of you can go back to friends, but it's not something that will happen overnight.

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Here's a tip. Men--especially younger men--almost NEVER go out of their way to befriend women unless they are attracted to them. Almost never. If he wasn't romantically interested in you, he wouldn't be making all this effort. Tell him what you're thinking. I doubt you'll be sorry.

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well I once joke about loving him and then he was like backing away, before I told him it was a joke (not that I really didn't love him), so I think he doesn't love me at all and only see me a good friend, which hurts real bad...

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I think you should tell him so you'll know how he feels. The sooner the better before you really fall deeply in love with him and invest too much emotion on your "friend" relationship.

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