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LDR- is pretty hard

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Hello, i am in LDR and i must admit is pretty hard.I meetmy gf on chat forum and since then we are in love for 10 months and 5 days and will still didnt meet each other.

She is from my country but in different town but atm she live in other country,she coming once a year when her dad have vaccation.We missed the time when she was here cuz she was sick and her parents didn't allowed to go anywhere.:mad:

We really love each other and we are dying to see it face to face but we really don't know when we going to see it or the question is if we going to see it?:( We talk each day,sending text messages each day we are online on msn every since day and when we have change we speak on mobile phone but shotrly 3-5min

What i am suppost to do? Any advice or help?

Edited by Mayden
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