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Does this guy really like me?

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I need some advice. I am so confused!


I met this guy in an online group. We had similar things that was happening to us in our lives so we connected that way and started emailing one another through this site. We emailed back and forth everyday, flirted a little bit but nothing really heavy but he has stated a few things to me in a mature way if you get my drift... Anyways, he started to call me baby as a pet name, he does this now and then. He also added me to his facebook because he wants to keep in better touch with me. One day he gave me his number to call him, he said he was really nervous. He also got a plan on his phone so he could call me ( he needed a long distance plan) so he pays extra money per month just to be able to call me. He calls me quite a bit, sometimes everyday. He also texts me a lot, everyday and sometimes we text back and forth for quite a while. The whole texting thing came about because he had a laptop and it broke. He told me he has been going nutty because he cannot be in constant contact with me. He said he cannot wait until his laptop is fixed. He told me that I make him smile and laugh and that I make him happy. I am going on a vacation to GA this summer and he said well what a coincidence I might have a job to do there and I will be in GA about the same time hopefully. I would so love to meet you and be with you for those 3 or 4 days you will be there and hang out! Just a couple of days ago he said i just made a lot of money on this job and I wished you lived closer so I could have picked you up and taken you out with me shopping! it would have been fun!


So we talk very good on the phone, we text a lot, he wants to meet me, he calls me pet names like baby and he says I am most important to him, that he likes me a lot, that anyone else can go suck a log as he put it lol. So my question is...does this guy actually like me? Does it sound like he does? I think so myself but because I have not dated or rather liked someone so much in a while I am a bit rusty. Any advice would be appreciated :D

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Hey, there!


Sounds to me from what you wrote that all the right cues to him liking you more than just friends are there. He has made a monthly commitment so that he can connect with you, and he has described wishing that you could be part of the success that he had. He has a desire to meet you, too. All in all I would say that from all the examples you have given that he does seem to be acting like someone who is romantically interested/involved in another person - you.


Can I ask whether there is another reason that makes you unsure, apart from you being rusty, as you put it? I just wonder if there is something more to this, which would cause you to have any doubts about his intentions???


: )

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Yes, he likes you. Quite a lot I'd say.


I'm not sure why you would doubt it given what you've said here.


It sounds as though you have a really good friendship going, with definite potential for something more. Remember though, when you meet someone online, the 'romantic' element you feel now may not be there in real life.


Having said that all relationships are a gamble and this one certainly sounds like it's worth pursuing.


Good luck. :)

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