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tony, taressa, billy the kid..u three gotta get outside

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well i have to ask you all a huge question...do any of you EVER see the light of day??? i was searchin the web and stumbled across this website and have been checkin it out at work the last few days and i swear you three are always writing responses throughout the ENTIRE day...i'm not trying to be a jerk, but i think you should take the advice you seem to be able to dish out and use it for yourselves and live your own lives...you seem to be living vicariously through other people's relationships...sorry if i offended you, but its amazing to have looked through all the past postings and see your three names EVERYWHERE at EVERY TIME of day...get out there you three and live so maybe you can post some questions that some of us can help YOU out with...again sorry if i offended you all, just a little concerned thats all...

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I don't take offense at all. And I always appreciate other people telling me how to live my life better and what I should do and not do. It helps make me a better person.


I work from my home. I have a real estate business, managing more than 2000 apartment units in 14 complexes. I oversee a staff of about 55 persons, including leasing agents, their assistants, and maintenance personnel. I also oversee and consult with several general contractors who are doing renovations on two newly acquired properties. I do a very good job because each year I get substantial raises and bonuses from the owner of those properties.


It takes about ten minutes to give a good answer to a post. Some take more time, some less. I do this to break up my day. In addition to what I have learned through my extensive reading, I have degrees in psychology, political science and mass communication. I have been a news correspondent for both NBC and CBS affiliated stations. I have also been a newsporter and won awards for The Phildelphia Bulletin, an afternoon paper now closed down, for my work as a summer intern some years ago. My photographs have been transmitted to newspapers around the world via Associated Press and I still get called on a free lance basis to cover stories in my region for CNN and NBC as I still keep up my union dues and accreditation.


I don't think I was put on this planet to be a slave to any one thing and, moreover, as a free man who served in the U.S. Military (USN-R) on active duty for two years, I feel I have earned the right to live my life freely without constraints within the boundaries of law.


You may also be interested that during the day and during the time I am making my living, I download my favorite music from Napster.com and other MP3 sites. My Napster folders now contain 1873 items, which include songs (oldies and current), speeches, bloopers fro radio and TV, TV and Movie Themes, etc. I get a special joy from listening to music I thought I would never hear again. While I am posting hear, I play a line-up of my favorite downloaded music.


In my free time, I have dinner with friends, see movies, travel, run on the shore of a nearby ocean (Gulf of Mexico), take leisure drives in my scenic area, and do a host of other things.


I do have a sense that I owe some type of service to the community of mankind and if I can perform that service by helping those who may desire some guidance in matters of love...and I can do that while performing other taks...I will.


You should also be aware that some of my posts are written over several hours, in between numerous and lengthy phone calls. Often, I am able to respond quickly to a newly posted item. I subscribe to DSL Internet so I am connected to the Internet 24/7.


Now that you know a little bit more about me, I would appreciate you taking this information and mapping out a more detailed plan for my life. I do not mean this sarcastically. I read about one to two books per week, mostly non fiction and mostly in the self improvement area. I am committed to making my life better, more constructive and more fruitful. Any help with that is deeply appreciated.


After reading this post, you can draw your own conclusions as to whether I ever see the light of day.


I am happy for you that you have time to take from your own active life to comment on the lives of others. I hope I have that luxury someday...but, at second thought, I don't think it would be appropriate for me to use my extra time in that way.

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I would want to be institutionalized if my motive of posting here was to live vicariously through relationships with problems, some so overwhelming I don't even respond to them.

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thank you for the very useful information about yourself..i am now enlightened as to what makes tony tick..i must say though that i am not trying make comments on your life, because it is obvious that you and i have never met or talked..it was simply interesting to me that every single time someone posts a message no matter what time of day it is,twenty minutes later theres tony with his two cents...i must take my hat off to you, for i know if i was in real estate, taking "extensive" phone calls, traveling, "overseeing" employees, going out to eat, taking photographs, playing army, watching movies, downloaing songs, listening to songs, reading 5 books at a time, writing a novel, watching tv, painting a self portrait, driving around, running on the beach, recieving the nobel prize, getting ready to go on the air for NBC and CBS at the same time, ending world hunger, writing music for my next album, studying for the bar and mcat, receiving my phd in 5 fields, giving speeches to underprivelaged children,and all of this while juggling 5 oranges and hopping on one foot then i'd for sure be around to reply to people's posts every twenty minutes...did i miss anything?...oh but i'm not sarcastic...sorry tony, but i have to get back to work...my cure for cancer, aids, and all other rare forms of disease are due by friday so i've got a lot of work to do...have a good life and i hope i've inspired you to "be all that you can be" oh wait thats the army...either way, good luck and i would say talk to you soon but since i'm not going to be checking this web site anymore theres no reason to say that..

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Hey, Tony, I loved your response and enjoyed the chance to learn a little more about you. Thanks.


Mr t,


In case you decide to return to the scene of your hit and run post...


I don't think I'll give you my complete life resume because I suspect you just felt the need to kick out at someone so you would feel better about something in your own life. Just in case you had purer motives than I suspect, however... ah, heck with it. I don't feel like giving the benefit of a doubt. I just don't believe you care.


I don't think you care that I'm actively enjoying life. I don't think you care I treasure a good group of friends and actively pursue the things in life about which I'm most passionate.


I don't think you care that I have loved, lost, and taken chances on love again. I don't think you care that I turned my life around after being raped just over a year ago: I've left behind compromising relationships, kicked some creeps out of my life, and jumped out of a mediocre career into a better paying, more challenging one. I've started a freelance writing career, building the chance to do what I love.


I climbed mountains this past year, t, making a good life. Take your unsolicited advice to some forum that needs an uncaring, sarcastic, self-serving judge.


Tony, Billy,


I've seen some of the post-ers kicked when they're down by people who feel the need to dish out some abuse. Guess I'm glad to take this kick standing up with you on their behalf.


I know the knowledge of the many who have appreciated your advice will keep you going, guys. Your advice was a great help to me when I first stepped into the forum almost a month ago.


Hoping to help and trying to learn by remaining here,



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Somewhat Healed

Please, don't listen to this jealous looser...

well i have to ask you all a huge question...do any of you EVER see the light of day??? i was searchin the web and stumbled across this website and have been checkin it out at work the last few days and i swear you three are always writing responses throughout the ENTIRE day...i'm not trying to be a jerk, but i think you should take the advice you seem to be able to dish out and use it for yourselves and live your own lives...you seem to be living vicariously through other people's relationships...sorry if i offended you, but its amazing to have looked through all the past postings and see your three names EVERYWHERE at EVERY TIME of day...get out there you three and live so maybe you can post some questions that some of us can help YOU out with...again sorry if i offended you all, just a little concerned thats all...
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Why should you be concerned about what they are doing anyway... It isn't like it is any of your business ... I think that what they want to do is their business and it doesn't take all that long to post on this site if you visit it 2 times a day you pretty much have all of the posts covered. I think you were being very rude and I am tired of people attacking people on this site.. when there is no reason to. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS and maybe you wouldn't need to be on this site at ALL~!! What is the old saying "You need to sweep your own door step before you can sweep someone elses"....

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billy the kid

thank you I am so flattered, and so not offended..

Why should you be concerned about what they are doing anyway... It isn't like it is any of your business ... I think that what they want to do is their business and it doesn't take all that long to post on this site if you visit it 2 times a day you pretty much have all of the posts covered. I think you were being very rude and I am tired of people attacking people on this site.. when there is no reason to. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS and maybe you wouldn't need to be on this site at ALL~!! What is the old saying "You need to sweep your own door step before you can sweep someone elses"....
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Dear t, The fact that you are able to "click on here every 20 minutes" to see who has posted what to whom is very telling in and of itself. Perhaps this post was a cry for help in a backhanded sort of way.


I suggest you take your own advice and "live your own life" as the do the people who are kind and generous enough to take a few minutes out of their busy day to try and help others who are in distress in this forum.



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