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Is she bisexual?

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Okay, ... this is long and complicated but I'd much appreciate some advice.


I met this girl around a year ago. She started to work where I work. I found her very attractive but word on the street was that she was straight (I'm a lesbian). Anyway, I went out one night with some people from work and she was there. We had a couple of drinks together and it was really the first time we started talking properly. Pretty soon everyone got a bit drunk and decided to have an impromptu trip into town to hit some clubs. Long story short, we got drunk and fooled around in the back of this taxi (I know--classy). We never spoke about it again. Apart from when she insisted that she was straight.


A couple of months later was our Christmas staff party. Basically, I ended up walking her back to hers afterwards and she tried it on with me. I said no and put her to bed. It was hard though because by then I knew I was in love with her.


After that we started to hang out more. I used to stay at hers most nights because it was easier than catching a taxi home after a few drinks. Whenever we did have "sleepovers", she always cuddled up to me. Spooned me during the night. Pecked me on the nose or lips. ALWAYS cuddled me. I never said anything about it because I quite enjoyed it. I didn't want it to end. Still, even then, she insisted she was straight and talked about this guy she "really likes".


A couple of weeks ago we went out with two guys, one being the guy that she likes. We had way too much to drink and went back to one of theirs. Basically, we started to play spin the bottle. It ended up with all of us butt naked buuut I sobered up when she started to get it on with this guy. I walked back crying my eyes out on the other guys shoulder, lol. He still doesn't understand what was up that night.


Two weeks ago, we had sex. I don't know how the hell it happened. It just did. It's not even like we discussed it, or had a simple kiss which led to anything else. She made me grope her boob and then whipped off her top, saying, "I've never done this before" and then...everything happened. For four hours too. So it's not like she found it odd, or disgusting.


She says she doesn't regret it.

But she is comfortable with her sexuality.


So does that mean she's so comfortable that she can sleep with girls knowing that she won't form feelings for them? Or is she in denial?


What do you guys think?

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I think people put too much emphasis on labels these days. Gay, straight, bi-sexual.... who cares!!!!! If people would accept that fact that humans are simply sexual beings, there wouldn't be so many sexual identity issues.


Perhaps your girl is like me and other people who are "sexually free." That means I can have sex with whomever I'm attracted to. But that's just sex. When it comes to having an acutal relationship and sharing every aspect of my life; I choose a man because no woman can provide the qualities I desire from a man.


So I'm not a lesbian because I've never been in a relationship with a woman and I don't ever want to be. Bi-sexual doesn't really describe it because Bi only means two types of genders. If you add a third gender like transvesdites, would that make someone Tri-sexual?


The best thing is to talk to her. Sounds like she's definately not interested in a relationship with you. If this were a male/female relationship, you two would be friends with benefits. This should be your concern more than where her sexual preference is. If you want a relationship with her and she doesn't; then you should get out of this now before you get hurt.

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