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What do I do? Im so lost

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Im in a situation that I need advice, and I appreciate any that is given. My girlfriend and I have been dating for 8 months now. Well on our 8 month anniversary she was acting weird, and I asked what was wrong. She said well U know last semester how I ditched classes to be with you, I said " yeah, it wasnt too bright". She said that this semester of college she got bad grades and that the only way how she can get good grades this semester is to take a break from me to concentrate.


It was hard for me but I understand. I know she loves me to death and that she wants to stay with me(even marry me). I also know that she isnt seeing N e one else. All these things I know 100%. Heres the problem, today I talked on the phone with her I happened to mention our break, and she said that we may not get back together till May.


I Dont want to sound mean but Im the type of guy that needs affection in order to feel loved. As mean as it may sound, 4 months is too long to go without seeing the one you love. Too much can happen in 4 months, U could even fall out of love. We are week one into the break. I have told her twice, that we can make it work out and that this break is not needed. She said If we get beck together she wont concentrate cause she will want to spend all the time with me. I need help, I dont know what to do. As the days go on I feel farther apart from her. Breaking up is not an option. Thanks for your help.

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My advice is to back off immediately and give her the space and time that she needs. I wouldn't see it as a bad thing really.


I am going to give you my personal read on the situation (and keep in mind to take this with a HUGE shaker of salt because I don't know either of you obviously).


She's obviously in love with you and feels that she's been reckless with you. (Missing classes to see you.) I think she's only taking time out to put priorities straight again (and that isn't a bad thing).


The quicker you let it go (not let HER go..just the situation at hand), the quicker things will turn for you. I really believe this to be the case.


Best of wishes,



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I agree with Tim completely. She seems to be trying to do the responsible thing by getting her grades back up. This must be very hard on her also. You mention that "I know she loves me to death and that she wants to stay with me(even marry me).", think about the future. You both NEED this college education so you can plan for your future.


In my experience, the harder you hold on, the faster she will run (the other way). Give her space. I know its hard but fill your time with studying, friends and interests.


Good luck to you

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We have been talking on the phone during our break. I didnt think it was healthy for us so I told her yesturday that maybe we shouldnt be talking to each other, so she could figure out what she can do. So I turned the break around on her, I felt kinda bad but im giving her complete space now. I basically reversed the break on her, she wanted to talk everyday I said no, call me in a week or two, but if u need n e thing im always here. I hope this was a good move on my part. I actually feel kinda better though, im not as stressed. N e ways thank u Tim, and libra it has been u both have been a great help.

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