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hurt and confused

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my b'f works at a flyer delivery shop. he has certain routes he does daily. he is going to give up some of his routes and do in shop work. he now has to train someone to do his routes. they hired a female and she has to drive around with him all day to learn the route. i don't like this at all. i have adjusted to some aspects of his job but i don't know if i can keep adjusting. i trust him but i just don't like the idea of him being in the company of some female for 6-8 hours two days a week. i feel like i should leave him so i don't keep interfering with his job, but we have been together for over two years and have plans for a future together, yet i feel he would accomplish more without me around his neck such as in this situation. any suggestions? i really hurt.jamie

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You are really overreacting here, BIG TIME. This is simply a work situation. Men and women work together very closely every day in every part of the world. Male and female police officers ride in cars together for eight hour shifts.


If you do not trust you boyfriend, get away from him. If you are going to stay up every night wondering about this girl and your boyfriend, get away from him.


This problem will follow you all the days of your life unless you deal with it. Your boyfriend is not responsible for your insecurities and lack of confidence. If he has given you reason to not trust him, then govern yourself accordingly. But if you want to bust this up just because he's going to be training a female on a temporary basis, you have no grounds. If you feel you must, I suggest counselling for you to overcome these fierce insecurities.


Your boyfriend does not deserve to be subjected to this kind of lack of trust and interference with work unless he has shown you in the past he can't be trusted. If that's the case, it is your fault for still being around.


I hope you resolve this. This would be a truly lame excuse for ending a relationship.

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Grow up and get over it. That is all part of life. I have 2 guys that work with me 8 hours a day 5 days a week and their wives are not jealous of me in the least. You say you trust him but that is obviously not true if you even THINK that he might do something with this girl. Maybe you are feeling low self esteem right now and need to step back and see what it is that bothers you so much about this training thing. You don't have the right to say you are putting up with his job.. if you don't like it you can always walk away from it. He has the right to work wherever he chooses.... I think you are over reacting, but that is just my opinion

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My advice to you is to look at yourself! Why are you so insecure? The reason I say that, is I have been in your shoes and have been the interferring jealous girlfriend, and that never works. You have to trust the man you are with. If you don't have trust in someone you have been with for so long, then the relationship isn't worthy of anything. You need to step back and either try to change your ways and stop badgering your boyfriend and making him feel guilty for something he has no control over or move on and go your separate ways. I have changed and I really like the better person I have become and that is what saved my 5 yr. relationship. I just advise if you love this man, then act like it and trust him with every part of your heart, if this isn't true love and you want to be that insecure jealous girlfriend, then in the end the relationship will deminish. I hate to be so straight forward, but please take my advice and do what is best for both of you.



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billy the kid

Oh girl I know exactly how you feel.. One of my wives worked at the post office here in a small town. all of the guys wanted to bed her... and you could tell just by the looks they gave her.. well since she had worked there for a few years before I met her, of course she had friends, male and a few female.. I really hated the way the guys treated her,,, I shouldn't have but I did.. it eventually hurt our relationship.. so one day I come home from work and this one really good friend of hers from work is sitting in a chair in our bedroom and she is folding clothes off the bed.. needless to say I was p-ssed off really bad.. now as I look back I see that I shouldn't have been.. so cool your jets, he is going to have friends too.. if he doesn't befriend others on the job he will have problems, any way he is not going to work there for ever.. chill there are no problems with him working with a girl unless you make it a problem..

my b'f works at a flyer delivery shop. he has certain routes he does daily. he is going to give up some of his routes and do in shop work. he now has to train someone to do his routes. they hired a female and she has to drive around with him all day to learn the route. i don't like this at all. i have adjusted to some aspects of his job but i don't know if i can keep adjusting. i trust him but i just don't like the idea of him being in the company of some female for 6-8 hours two days a week. i feel like i should leave him so i don't keep interfering with his job, but we have been together for over two years and have plans for a future together, yet i feel he would accomplish more without me around his neck such as in this situation. any suggestions? i really hurt.jamie
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