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Join Date: Jul 2007

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Need Advice!

Hello, I am in bad need of some advice and i thought where better to come look for it then from people who have experience in dating issues. I'm not reall good at typing so please bare with me. Ok let me me try and explain this. I met this lady on an online dating site we sent a couple mails and she gave me her number to text her we texted alot for a couple days and then we talked on phone she seemed really interestedand the next week we met. We met and she said she found me attractive and handsome as i did her but just a couple days after we met she was quite and i asked her if she was still intersted and she told me the day we met her ex boyfriend texted her and wanted to try and work it out, she broke up with him. So she said she wanted to think about that before she got involved with someone else and i apprectiated her honesty. So i left her alone and figured if it didnt workl out with himshe would get in contact if she was interested in me. So about two weeks ago on friday night i get a text from her that read "TOY" I didnt respond wasnt sure at teh time what it meant and if she had just sent it to wrong person. So about three days later she sent me a message on face book asking how i was and i replied and we sent some just converational mails and that was it i still didnt contact her. then about three days later one night she sent me another mail on fb asking what i was up to told her i was watching movie , she let me know she was alone and ask if i was in asking if i was dating anyone. She said she didnt get back with him and wasnt interested in him anymore. So i told her no i wasnt so i started texting her some kinda being flirty she text back kinda giving vibes she was flirting abck but also kinda would go quite and dont intiate text messages. So what i am wanting to know is how i should handle this? Should i just not contact her and let here? Should i come out and ask her if she is interested in us talking and maybe going out. I just dont know how to handle this situation. I am bad at scewing things up lol. Do you think she is interested? i dont know what to think. So guys and gals can you help em out on this and tell me what i should do?? I would really appreciate it. Thanks

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Lol, yes she's interested...

Call her to setup a date; she wants you to obviously.


Careful how often you text her. Keep the messages short, upbeat & subtly flirtatious. Do not setup a date via text.


If you like her, it's pretty much in the bag. She's practically yelling she's interested.

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I hate when people don't take the extra effort and type "Thinking of you..." but send "TOY" instead :sick: Seriously...


Sorry, I know it's not really constructive.

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You have nothing to lose, ask her out on a date, if she says yes you know there is a 75-90% chance she is in to you if she says no, well you have your answer. I have been doing interent dating for about 3months and there is nothing I hate more then a guy who takes his time in asking me out on a date, simply because talking over the net, over text and what not it isn't the same in person, if she agrees to go out, this may be for the purpose that she is unsure of her feelings (which is the kind of message she seems to be sending accross)and seeing you in person will help this. Also see if she still has her profile on the website, this may also help.

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Ok i couldnt reach her by phone and i didnt want to text her so i sent her a message on facebook asking if she would like to go out this weekend on a date? havent heard anything from her im pretty sure she is on facebook alot so maybe her silence is my anwser but we shall see :)

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Ok i couldnt reach her by phone and i didnt want to text her so i sent her a message on facebook asking if she would like to go out this weekend on a date? havent heard anything from her im pretty sure she is on facebook alot so maybe her silence is my anwser but we shall see :)


Never ask a girl out in writing...

With text or other writing forms its okay to hint at the idea of doing something together sometime; or even mentioning where you'll be and inviting her to show up.


However, do not confirm details, time, place, etc., in writing.

Just tell her you'll call her later to talk about details.


Based on what you described in your OP she's into you which will minimize classic missteps, so you'll be fine. But for future reference, don't ask women out in writing.

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yeah you are right still ahvent ehard anything im sure she has read it so u must be avoiding it so maybe she isnt interested lol

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yeah you are right still ahvent ehard anything im sure she has read it so u must be avoiding it so maybe she isnt interested lol


Either that or she's taking her time thinking through her response. Too early to say. Just sit tight & wait.


I find by using the invite technique, you actually have a reason to call & follow up and whether or not they show up, or get back with you, talking to them again later is no less ackward because there wasn't really a "date".


Again, what I mean by the invite technique is saying something like: "so me, Bob and Mary are going to be shooting pool downtown tomorrow. If you're as bad as I am, we should partner up. Text or call me if you're interested."


If she shows, you have an opportunity to do all the date stuff you would do (e.g. flirt, touch, laugh, joke around) without going on a formal "date". All the better if she partners up with you, as you can easily transition into other date type activities between the two of you.


I.e. If you guys win: "we're an awesome team, I'm so buying you a round to celebrate", then go some place & buy her a drink.


If you lose: "lol, I'm so buying us a consolation prize. What's your favorite drink?" then take her to go get one.


If she doesn't show, you can shoot a text afterward saying something like "you would've loved pool, we should catch up when you're free."


I've observed that girls I'm targeting warm up to me more and flake less on a 1-on-1 date if they have a great time hanging with me & my group first.


Again, just give her time; maybe she's seen the MSG maybe not. You've got nothing but time, so relax.

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