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hi ive posted similar questions about my marriage on this site evey time i psot i get more determined iam getting out.

been married 20 years my father is emotionally abusive to my mum i saw this all growing up and now i think iam living the same life as my mother.

here are what has been continually happening over the years:

Getting drunk and not comin home, maitainig his innosence?

Not there emotionally for me

talks alot about himself, not interested when i talk

comes and goes as he wants

very defense if i question him about alto of thinga

met an old friend at a pub organised it and didnt tell me, i found out, he stated yelling and was defensive

has never stood up for me or our kids

runs around looking nice and helpful for friends and strangers but not us

etc etc

sooo much more i think iam co dependant

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I think that detaching and leaving is a very long, slow process...if you are feeling very unhappy then you shouldn't have to suffer any longer and you should think seriously about leaving...by the way, don't let him rope you back in with guilt tactics...that is why I stayed with my ex-boyfriend so long...Eclipse x

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