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Is he ignoring me?

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Well you see...I'm with someone who is a couple of years younger than me (I don't mind that he's younger,he's really mature for his age) we've been together for two months and a week now.I really love him and he has made me really happy.Bad thing is that we live like...really far away.I'm from Holland and he lives in America.We met on the Internet,became friends and fell in love.

But he has been acting kind of odd lately...he barely talks to me unless I talk to him,and his replies are short or lifeless,he never shows his love for me anymore,he never tells me that he loves me unless I do it first.I see him talking to his friends in a videogame (online) and he seems really friendly to them and all,and when I get close to him or say something I might aswell not even get a reply or a short reply or he might poof from the game.I've asked him what's wrong,if there's a problem or something and he says that he's perfectly fine and that he "still loves me".If he still does why is this happening?

We both just met another girl in the game,I became kind of friends with her but when she and my bf met I just got a bit jealous because well he treats her how he should treat me (talks to her properly instead of giving short answers or ignoring her)

Please give me successful advice or solutions,I really DO NOT want to break up with this guy because I love him so much,he's been a sweetheart to me,but I don't know what's wrong with him.I've googled about this sort of thing before and I got 3 kinds of answer,1.Ignore him and let him be jealous so he'll come to you,2.Try to communicate more 3.Break up

1.I've tried,nothing at all,absolutely no results,he would come a bit closer but he wouldn't say anything

2.it's just like talking to a rock,he barely says anything back unlike he used to do...

3.Just no.If he still does love me I don't want to break up because I really do love him :(

It is an online relationship.We are both young,and if we ever want to meet IRL then we'd need to wait for years.But I wouldn't mind,really...when he confesed his feelings to me I felt like I met my other half,he was like a best friend to me,and when we started dating we would do anything together,now he doesn't even want to talk to me...or doesn't bother to do so

I'm a really strong girl,but he gives me part of that strengt because he IS my other half,I love him so much it hurts...

please I need help,save me from all this pain :( I really love this man.

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You do sound very young. Even so, you deserve to be treated better than he is treating you. Since you said he's American, I feel qualified to tell you my opinion. I am also an American (woman).


It seems that so many of our younger people have forgotten the golden rule, treat others as you would have them treat you.


I hate when people treat others like they don't matter! It sounds like he's treating you like you no longer matter.


My best advice is to not respond to the way he communicates with the other gamers. Just let him know you're there but stay quiet and just observe his behavior with the others. If he knows you're there and he doesn't try to communicate with you, you'll know he's moved on.


As painful as it is (believe me, I know how much it hurts), so many American boys are just creepy that way!

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