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More Than Friends?

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This is a follow up to the following thread - http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t192766/. Jamie ended up getting back together with her ex-bf last June, it only lasted a month as once again he cheated on her. During that time Jamie and I grew apart and things became very awkward between us. Months went by and slowly her and I started to talk and text more. Fast forward to the present and I'm head over heels about this girl. There will be days when she texts me non-stop then others when I don't hear from her. Same thing at work with instant messaging. Whenever she is upset, having a bad day or other trouble in life, she comes to me. I'm always there to listen, encourage and make her feel good. Awhile back she was sick and I took the day off to take care to the doctor and watch after her. She did the same for me a few weeks ago when I had my wisdom teeth removed. Several people have commented to me that there seems to be a connection between us. I know its cliche about falling in love with your best friend but in this case I hope it happens. I'm driving myself crazy thinking about her all the time and wondering how she feels. Any advice or comments is appreciated.

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Cracker Jack

Not sure here, buddy.


I mean, she comes to you when things aren't going well--but as you said: There are times when you don't hear from her. I guess there's a chance for you guys to be more than friends, but right now doesn't seem likely.

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Hi Mike. Seems like she doesn't know what she wants. So the ball is in her court now.


I'm in the same situation but reversed. I want to tell this guy I really like him but I think I ruined my chances with him for being so indecisive. I really don't know how to approach him and I'm afraid he's tired of me being so fickle and has probably moved on. SO just know the issue is her and her fickleness and not you.


Maybe you should invite her to hang out just one last time to ask her what's going on and make sure she knows that it's the final time you're going to brush this subject. Make sure to hammer into her head that you will move on after this. and then leave it alone after that. If she really can't make up her mind then it's all just on her and you have to let it go.

Edited by fiat500
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