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Legal Drug Use

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Maybe my system is too sensitive, although besides narcotics IMO there are a lot of prescription drugs out there that are as mind altering than what is considered a mind altering substance.


Some of my friends that I know take anti-depressants act really spaced out, or hyper like they are on street drugs...drugs I have had to take freak me out and I won't take them, but do have to take Tapazole for a hyperactive thyroid, and when I first started to take it I couldn't stay awake and at times now it has that effect.


Some of these drugs don't have any warnings and aren't considered a problem to drive on. This really scares me because even the drugs that do have the warnings as I think some heart meds and stuff like that say not to drive...BUT you've got to know people are out there driving on these meds.


A friend of mine who was on anti-depressants used to get a wild look in his eyes...it was scary...anyone else have any thoughts on this?

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Pure, I am convinced that All drugs have side effects and also All drugs can lead to other illnesses.. All drugs can take down the natural amune system ..


I have heard a people who take 8 prescriptions or more - and because they started with one that snowballed into many..


Also I think there is not enough said for our amune system .. and too much said for the quick fix .. of doctors, medications.. Why? Because they Can .. they have insurance.. A cold: Go to e.r. - only cost $10.


Even people with colds, get onto meds.. I have found that by taking down my caffeine intake.. (I Luv tea!) .. But by cutting back on my tea - I don't even get colds as often.. then when I do get a cold I take my tea and aspirin and eat/drink a lot .. Can get over a cold in 3 days..


I think people can even be more suseptible to major illnesses through taking medications for other things..


I say no drugs incl that of cutting back on sugar, caffeine..

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One of the trickiest parts of prescribing antidepressants is that while we know they work, we don't always know precisely how they work. Not understanding the mechanism of action in precise detais means a lot of trial and error in finding the right drug and/or dosage for the right individual. Bad reaction are common. However, for people facing serious, clinical depression, finding the rights meds is worth the trouble. I know from personal experience. Without the right drugs, we are pretty non-functional.

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A friend of mine who was on anti-depressants used to get a wild look in his eyes...it was scary...anyone else have any thoughts on this?
Yes, and having ridden with a medicated bi-polar, I can empathize with your concerns. Short of 5150, society has to draw a boundary wrt personal freedom and autonomy. Is a 'crazy' person driving as 'bad' as a drunk or 'impaired' person? Perhaps, but there's no meaningful method a LEO can use while doing a traffic stop to define 'crazy'. Those of us who have dealt with dementing diseases like Alzheimer's know only too well how hard it is to draw that line. It's tough.


During periods of severe stress when I would turn to anti-psychotics to manage, I knew better than to operate machinery or drive, so I didn't. I took a 'vacation' from those things and did other things which weren't dangerous to self or others. That's exactly what it says on the side of the pill bottle. Good advice :)

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Also anti-depresents should only be given when someone has lost a limb - a close family member .. but not for any lengthy period of time..

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Also anti-depresents should only be given when someone has lost a limb - or a close family member .. but not for any lengthy period of time..



edit: or a close family member

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Also anti-depresents should only be given when someone has lost a limb - a close family member .. but not for any lengthy period of time..


I'm sorry, but that's not medically sound.


I've suffered from severe, chronic depression and I can tell you one of the most frustrating parts of it is that no one, and I mean NO ONE, believes it is real. God help anyone with an illness that manifests as behavior rather than injury. No one on earth who hasn't gone through it themselves can ever understand it. They cannot understand why we can't "snap out of it" if we really want to. But we can't. We just can't. A severely depressed person can no more choose to stop being depressed than a cancer patient can choose not to have cancer.


That said, most of the people who take antidespressants do only take them for the short term. Most people don't need to take them on an ongoing basis. But some of us do. Some of us need to take meds just to be minimally functional. I would much rather be a slave to Paxil or Prozac than be a slave to chronic depression.

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I've known a few people who were on medication for depression and one of them hospitalized for it at one point..


The first would be Sharon who went through a divorce and hysterectomy.. I believe she always was dependent on meds even before the divorce, and transferred it to two sons.. When she was in the hospital (during the divorce) she told me her doctor said her depression was caused by anger.. As long as I knew her she had to be double dosed on hormones and all kinds of meds, and her female dr said Sharon had a chemical imbalance thus the meds? Anyway she developed melanoma - and I believe that it was harder for her to fight due to all of the other medications.


Then there is Tom whose wife died 15 yrs ago and he has been on antidepressants for all the years following.. Was he on the meds because the way he treated her - and because of guilt - I don't know.. But for someone who is depressed, he sure takes care of himself and clings to life.


People with cancer are the true victims .. Their illness desended upon them.. And I don't think cancer should be compared with depression or alcoholism, etc.


Many people have lives of struggle - but we just keep on trugging .. And I still feel that unnecessary drugs make things worse.. Lead to worse. ..

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I've known a few people who were on medication for depression and one of them hospitalized for it at one point..


The first would be Sharon who went through a divorce and hysterectomy.. I believe she always was dependent on meds even before the divorce, and transferred it to two sons.. When she was in the hospital (during the divorce) she told me her doctor said her depression was caused by anger.. As long as I knew her she had to be double dosed on hormones and all kinds of meds, and her female dr said Sharon had a chemical imbalance thus the meds? Anyway she developed melanoma - and I believe that it was harder for her to fight due to all of the other medications.


Then there is Tom whose wife died 15 yrs ago and he has been on antidepressants for all the years following.. Was he on the meds because the way he treated her - and because of guilt - I don't know.. But for someone who is depressed, he sure takes care of himself and clings to life.


People with cancer are the true victims .. Their illness desended upon them.. And I don't think cancer should be compared with depression or alcoholism, etc.


Many people have lives of struggle - but we just keep on trugging .. And I still feel that unnecessary drugs make things worse.. Lead to worse. ..


I sure am glad you don't get to decide who gets treated medically and who has an illness that is "not bad enough" to get treatment.


I have seen some instance of prescription drug side effects leading to a second or third prescription in order to counteract the effects. Often there are multiple drug choices so if the side effects are severe there are others to be tried; but for some that's not a choice.

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I sure am glad you don't get to decide who gets treated medically and who has an illness that is "not bad enough" to get treatment.


I have seen some instance of prescription drug side effects leading to a second or third prescription in order to counteract the effects. Often there are multiple drug choices so if the side effects are severe there are others to be tried; but for some that's not a choice.




What happens if you contact something serious.. and all the junk you have been taking can either cause the serious illness - or take away from the effect of the treatment for the illness..


Oh yes .. and Sharon died.


Health "care" because of hypochondriacs and overzealous doctors - has become big business .. why do you think govt wants to do the takeover .. and make all pay for those hooked.

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