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Prison Rape

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All my life I hear the jokes and warnings about if you go to prison you have a good chance of getting raped. Why the heck do we allow prison rape to happen. I think it especialy sick when people say something like "it's just part of the punishment."

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Laws for one and then strict enforcement. Plus I feel like prisons themselves allow it to happen.


Prison Rape for me is a sign of everything that is wrong with the prison system. Its a place that makes people worse, HECK IT MAKES THEM RAPIST

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Law and enforcement didn't stop these men going to jail so why would they stop them committing crime in jail?


The only way to stop it solitary confinement for all prisoners, all the time.

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Some steps included:

— Removing all solid doors to coat closets and storage rooms to eliminate blind areas where assaults could take place.

— Relocating cameras to provide a view of blind spots, installing cameras in laundry and kitchen areas and creating a video monitoring room that is staffed 18 hours a day.

— Changing hiring practices to better select staff to work with prisoners, and considering staff psychological assessments.

-segragating certain prisoners that pose a risk

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Some steps included:

— Removing all solid doors to coat closets and storage rooms to eliminate blind areas where assaults could take place.


Removing doors might make it more difficult for prisoners to commit rape, but it would also reduce the ability of prison staff to control inmate movement. This could lead to disaster very quickly.


— Relocating cameras to provide a view of blind spots, installing cameras in laundry and kitchen areas and creating a video monitoring room that is staffed 18 hours a day.

— Changing hiring practices to better select staff to work with prisoners, and considering staff psychological assessments.

-segragating certain prisoners that pose a risk


Efforts to improve prisoner survellience and hire more qualified staff have been going on for decades. Such efforts may well have reduced the rate of prison rape from what it was years ago. However, no such measures will ever eliminate it entriely.

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That's a lot of money and it still would not stop prison rape. Guards do not run the prisons anymore, they balance them.

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Install more cameras and place an immediate death penalty on prison rape. I'm not sure why rape outside of prison isn't a hate crime.


But as in life, there will be people who would rather call the consensual sex they had rape because they are embarrassed of what they did. There will also be people who falsely accuse because they want the person to receive whatever punishment gets dished out. Prison is a place where even under watch, people try to kill each other. If they could see to it someone was killed by falsely accusing rape - they will. So more cameras to prove the crime.

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Jilly Bean

Watch a few episodes of Oz, Green. It will explain why prison rape happens, and is tolerated. Much like the drug trade within prison, gangs, and violent crimes.


Prison is an entire subculture of the worst elements of general society. It goes to follow that all the same aspects will exist when you house together the perpetrators of the ugly parts of life.

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Install more cameras and place an immediate death penalty on prison rape. I'm not sure why rape outside of prison isn't a hate crime.


But as in life, there will be people who would rather call the consensual sex they had rape because they are embarrassed of what they did. There will also be people who falsely accuse because they want the person to receive whatever punishment gets dished out. Prison is a place where even under watch, people try to kill each other. If they could see to it someone was killed by falsely accusing rape - they will. So more cameras to prove the crime.


more cameras sure


Watch a few episodes of Oz, Green. It will explain why prison rape happens, and is tolerated. Much like the drug trade within prison, gangs, and violent crimes.


Prison is an entire subculture of the worst elements of general society. It goes to follow that all the same aspects will exist when you house together the perpetrators of the ugly parts of life.


It isn't just prison. There is a lot of rape going on even in the juvenile system... thats kids raping other kids behind bars... plus the gaurds do the rapes too.


Lock up just seems like rape town and that makes me mad.

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more cameras sure




It isn't just prison. There is a lot of rape going on even in the juvenile system... thats kids raping other kids behind bars... plus the gaurds do the rapes too.


Lock up just seems like rape town and that makes me mad.


For you to have a PC to type this post, you helped to put money in the pockets of rapists.


It just seems odd to me that prison rape is the rape you're upset by. Why prison rape and not all rape?

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Install more cameras and place an immediate death penalty on prison rape. I'm not sure why rape outside of prison isn't a hate crime.


The death penalty doesn't prevent any other kind of crime--why would it prevent prison rape?


In any case, legislation treating one kind of rape--prison rape--as a death penalty offense while not requiring the same penalty for rape in other circumstances would be unlikely to weather the inevitable court challenges. There is just too much precedent against it. Plus, remember that rape is a state crime, not a federal one. That means all 50 states would have all have to pass laws making prison rape a capital crime. That is extremely unlikely to happen.

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It just seems odd to me that prison rape is the rape you're upset by. Why prison rape and not all rape?


Probably because it's pretty common for people to make prison rape jokes when they would be upset by a regular rape joke. I've also never heard anyone say, "Well, s/he deserved to be raped as a punishment for doing X", but plenty of people have no problem with prison rape because criminals are the victims.


So for instance, you could say, "Bernie Madoff is going to get it up the butt in prison so he better not bend over, LOL!" and a lot of people wouldn't be put off by it, but if you said, "Susie's going to get raped for cheating on her boyfriend, LOL!", people would think you're a sociopath.


Prison rape is more or less acceptable in the eyes of many people, and that's what's upsetting. Just because someone's in prison for having committed a crime (or having been convicted) doesn't mean they deserve to have their basic human rights taken away.

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Probably because it's pretty common for people to make prison rape jokes when they would be upset by a regular rape joke. I've also never heard anyone say, "Well, s/he deserved to be raped as a punishment for doing X", but plenty of people have no problem with prison rape because criminals are the victims.


So for instance, you could say, "Bernie Madoff is going to get it up the butt in prison so he better not bend over, LOL!" and a lot of people wouldn't be put off by it, but if you said, "Susie's going to get raped for cheating on her boyfriend, LOL!", people would think you're a sociopath.


Prison rape is more or less acceptable in the eyes of many people, and that's what's upsetting. Just because someone's in prison for having committed a crime (or having been convicted) doesn't mean they deserve to have their basic human rights taken away.


Yeah thats how I feel. I just think its horible that a guy goes in and then on the first day there he gets Cut and raped gang raped and that he is probably going to get raped on a regular basis. Yeah a lot of people seem to think it is funny. Just look at the stuff that happened in Iraq with the prisoners being forced into naked pyramids. I just think people forget that when you lock some one up they are still human.

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Put these clowns to work and they'll be too tired to rape anybody. We just warehouse criminals. Minimum effort at rehabilitation. Have them pick fruit. Have them cut weeds and clean up stuff. Have them manufacture things. When a person commits a crime they have violated the constitutional rights of those they have offended. Therefore they abrogate their own rights. Put them to work. Watch crime rates descend, recitivism decrease, and illegal immigration plummet, while the economy rises. Simple stuff.

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The death penalty doesn't prevent any other kind of crime--why would it prevent prison rape?


In any case, legislation treating one kind of rape--prison rape--as a death penalty offense while not requiring the same penalty for rape in other circumstances would be unlikely to weather the inevitable court challenges. There is just too much precedent against it. Plus, remember that rape is a state crime, not a federal one. That means all 50 states would have all have to pass laws making prison rape a capital crime. That is extremely unlikely to happen.


I was mostly just being hyperbolic. But in relation to other crimes, the penalty for rape is a joke. The same penalty for having 20 hits of LSD is given to people who commit rape varying a bit from state to state. They will likely not serve all of it. But their victim will be forever changed by the crime.

Now, I don't now about you folks, but I'm not so worried about LSD dealers when walking home from the train late at night.


I had a friend who spent some time in prison for assault (self defense but could not prove). He said that the people who get targeted the most for prison rape are in there for rape, especially child rapists. There are people in there with loved ones on the outside. They know they are not able to protect them because they are locked up. So when a rapist or kiddie toucher gets locked up, the other inmates imagine the worst coming to pass for their families and friends should they meet someone like that.


I can never decide where I stand on the death penalty. It actually costs more to terminate a convict than keeping them in there for life due to how many more chances at appeals a death row inmate gets. But when it comes to rape and child molestation, I know I'd kill anyone who did that to someone I care about. And I have no criminal record. Now imagine I did. Why is it so shocking that inmates rape these people if a non criminal person like myself feels a violent impulse towards them too?

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I was mostly just being hyperbolic. But in relation to other crimes, the penalty for rape is a joke. The same penalty for having 20 hits of LSD is given to people who commit rape varying a bit from state to state. They will likely not serve all of it. But their victim will be forever changed by the crime.

Now, I don't now about you folks, but I'm not so worried about LSD dealers when walking home from the train late at night.


I had a friend who spent some time in prison for assault (self defense but could not prove). He said that the people who get targeted the most for prison rape are in there for rape, especially child rapists. There are people in there with loved ones on the outside. They know they are not able to protect them because they are locked up. So when a rapist or kiddie toucher gets locked up, the other inmates imagine the worst coming to pass for their families and friends should they meet someone like that.


I can never decide where I stand on the death penalty. It actually costs more to terminate a convict than keeping them in there for life due to how many more chances at appeals a death row inmate gets. But when it comes to rape and child molestation, I know I'd kill anyone who did that to someone I care about. And I have no criminal record. Now imagine I did. Why is it so shocking that inmates rape these people if a non criminal person like myself feels a violent impulse towards them too?


This is a horible attitude. First child molestors are people to who may not deserve a FREE LIFE but don't deserve to be punished by violent criminals. Second many if not most of the people who get raped are not child molestors so what you are saying is just something you heard from one guy. In fact people most likely to get raped are the young men.

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Put them to work. Watch crime rates descend, recitivism decrease, and illegal immigration plummet, while the economy rises. Simple stuff.


No, it's not simple stuff. A lot of places require inmates to work, and I think all federal prisons do.


One of the only things that actually reduces recidivism rates is education. But people don't like the idea of those dirty filthy criminal maggots getting an education, even if it's just a local graduate student volunteering their free time.


Why is it so shocking that inmates rape these people if a non criminal person like myself feels a violent impulse towards them too?


To me, it's not shocking that it happens. And it doesn't just happen to rapists and child molesters. It's a way of establishing a hierarchy and exerting power over others in a situation where everyone is powerless.


What's shocking (or disturbing, rather) is that people are okay with it and regularly make jokes about it. What's disturbing is that people don't care and don't want to do anything to stop it. What's disturbing is that some people actually justify it and say, "Oh well, it's part of the punishment!" As if some stupid poor kid who got caught selling pot for the third time deserves to have his body violated. As if people give up every single human right when they set foot in a prison.


Again, how often do you hear "lol prison butt rape" jokes and how often do you hear "lol Susie's going to get raped" jokes? And what kind of reactions do people have to both types of jokes?

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Why the heck do we allow prison rape to happen. I think it especialy sick when people say something like "it's just part of the punishment."

rape happens everywhere

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Pity for the guilty is treason to the innocent.


You're right. Prison guards should be allowed to beat prisoners to death, and if you think that's wrong, you're a traitor. :rolleyes:

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You're right. Prison guards should be allowed to beat prisoners to death, and if you think that's wrong, you're a traitor. :rolleyes:


No madam, not at all.

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This is a horible attitude. First child molestors are people to who may not deserve a FREE LIFE but don't deserve to be punished by violent criminals. Second many if not most of the people who get raped are not child molestors so what you are saying is just something you heard from one guy. In fact people most likely to get raped are the young men.


I'm sorry but I just don't agree with you on this one. And if prison wasn't scary for a myriad of reasons, its just 3 hot meals, free rent, and a fitness gym with a pesky added aspect of not being able to go where you want, wear what you want or shower in privacy. Sounds a lot like my summer camp experience. Prison is suppose to be a place no one wants to go.


I don't think rape is funny. I know not everyone who gets raped was a rapist, but I'm going to give more credibility to what someone (a young man of slight build) who was in prison tells me about who gets raped most often than a bunch of people on an internet forum who watched a lot of OZ and never spent a day in prison.


Seeing as how we still haven't figured out how to keep rape from happening on the outside world - eliminating it on the inside isn't so high on my list of priorities due to simple probability of success. The increase of cameras has been argued before and it is the same people who get all squeamish about criminals being treated like their victims that start also whining about rights to privacy if they install cameras in the showers or every cell. Its a shame when it happens to non violent criminals, but I'm not bothered by it happening to violent criminals.

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Sally4sara I just think you are ignorant when it comes to this subject. Your attitude toward instutionalizing people is ridiculous. How do you feel about all the people who get released and come out so institutionalized that prison is all they know so they go out and comit violent crimes as if being violent is all they know.


Plus I've heard of people going in to prison for things such a criminal DUI and getting raped. Then when they tell the gaurds no one cares. Children who go into the juvinile system get sexualy abused not only by the other children but the gaurds.

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The current American prison system teaches people how to be better and harder criminals instead of rehabilitating them. It's not summer camp. It's a broken system that doesn't really solve many problems.


And I've never watched a single episode of Oz. My information comes from social science research and statistics, not TV/movies. A family friend worked as a warden in juvie for several years, and her experiences and observations mostly match what I've read. She says that for some juvie inmates, prison was a better alternative than being back on the streets, but for the majority, it was an ugly place to be.

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