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hey Tony


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Tony, I see you respond frequently to posts on this site. Do you have criteria requirements to elicit a response or is it just "hit and miss"? I am hoping you will respond to my previous post re. would you sue or throw eggs...


You seem to have great insight and an uncanny knack to respond appropriately (or not) which is cool too; I appreciate your wonderful sense of humor (often misinterpreted as sarcasm I think), and I would appreciate your input.

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Dear Jilly:


I kind of get a headache reading very long posts late at night...but I made an exception in your case. Your sleezy ex isn't worth the six pints of blood that keep his sorry excuse for a person going. Congratulations on being away from him. I can smell him from here, or is that the rotten eggs? YUK!!!

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hey Tony: I didn't think that was a "very long" post at all but I certainly understand where you're coming from. Basically, what I wanted/needed was reassurance and, after reading several of your responses to others, I especially hoped to get a response from you. Thank you so much, again.


I am hurting and hating over this one but, hey, oh well...


Mostly, I am glad to be rid of him. Oh, but how I fantasize about doing something horribly humiliating to him. I guess it's okay to think about it, just not to carry through; then, I'd be no better than him. I keep telling myself that while I plan on doing hatefull, evil, nasty, retalitory "things" to him. I guess I'll get over it in time.

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