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Is this a good thing?

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Ok so I dated this guy for like 6 months..things were good when we together but unfortunately we did have an ugly breakup words were said the whole nine yards..its been 3 months since we broke it off..we havent spoken since..one night i get a text from him he was working late as always..He tends to work nights so we would talk at like 2am sometimes..he said hi i miss talking to you..i responded i miss talking to you too sometimes..i didnt want to not tell him i miss him b/c i do..i have everyday since we parted ways..he didnt say anything else just asked what i was doing and that was it...a couple days later i send him a text saying i gotta tell ya something really funny which i did and we shared a laugh..i also told him that this is what i miss the most telling you funny stuff about my day..he never responded then the day after i get a text its him he said u can always talk to me about your day dear..i said thanks..i really want him back in my life but i dont know how to go about it i dont want to seem all clingy and stuff b/c granted hes the one that broke up with me..so do you think i should still back off and let him come to me..i mean granted its not like he called me just texted which i know it was b/c he was at work but still..i just really want him back but i dont know what to do..i feel like theres nothing i can do b/c he left me so do i wait for him to come to me..

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Like a lot of posters, you make it hard to answer your question in a way that is helpful because you leave out all the most imprtoant information. What made your break up "ugly?" What "words" were said, and why? Without knowing what caused your split, there is no way to know whether or not reconnecting with each other is a good idea or not.


That said, in my experience, male ex's contact female ex's for only two reasons: 1) to try and rekindle the relationship, or 2) to try and lure them into some kind of FWB arrangement.


If you really want him back, make sure you and he are both after #1. Often, guys are after #2. And once a guy gets you into a FWB, the possibility of that relationship going any further is zero.

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