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What I want to tell her

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I worked with a girl for around 3months, this was 3years ago. She's from the US. When she headed back home, we kept in touch regularly over email. Then a few weeks ago, I headed to the US and she asked me to at least visit her. So I did. I spent almost 3days with her and yes we slept with one another.


Now bear in mind that around 7-8months ago, her boyfriend of 5years left her. So, yes it's possible I'm a rebound. Nevertheless, we had a great time together. I was quite passionate with her and kissed her at times unexpectedly or in the mornings, I'd grab her and bring her next to me. On the last day, she was slightly distant and I'm assuming that it's because she felt so overwhelmed by it all she was disconnecting or she was not interested. Either way, I just want our friendship to resume and I can feel that she may not end up getting in touch like before.


I was merely going to send her an email, not telling her anything affectionate, but instead focusing on her great qualities and the fun we had, and the fact that after 3years I'm not just going to let go of that friendship. I'd rather we resumed as friends, otherwise it will probably end up fizzling out. So is it worth me playing it cool and seeing whether she responds? Or trying to clear up any awkardness that may exist by letting her know she's a friend whom I consider dearly and that the time we spent together was great?

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I would prob play it cool myself..dont give to much away and see how it goes and then reminise on the good times you had together and maybe slowly but surely you'll hear the words you wanna hear!


You do sleep slightly laid back on this as you come across reluctant to email her incase you mess the whole thing up,lifes to short for that,all this thonkin is bound to do your head in so dont be reluctant!

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