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Re: feelin' guilty

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You don't date other people to be sure of a relationship. When you meet Mr. Right, there will be no doubt in your mind. Dating other people to make sure you have the right one is like eating a steak at every restaurant in town to be sure the one you ate originally was the best.


When you meet the love of your life, you won't post here and ask for advice. You will be so in love and so sure of everything, you will have no questions.


You make the decision to feel guilty. I try to be as kind to myself as possible so I avoid feelings that are negative or make my life unpleasant. I hope you will try to do the same.


Dating is not only wrong but it is the very best thing you can do. It is absolutely necessary if you want to meet THE ONE that will be perfect for you without question.


If you want to be an active participant in life, you have to have courage and guts. I know it's hard to leave the security of a relationship, even though it's crappy, to move on to something that is unknown. But you have a long life ahead of you and if you want to make it a happy one, you need to do the work required.


Dating others may feel awkward at first, but take my word, you will be very happy in a new circle of friends and meeting new people. Just be sure that you get serious with guys that are rational, kind, and have the qualities you admire in a man. And for God's sake, don't feel obligated to marry every man you meet just because he has a pulse and a temperature. Play the field, be happy, have a great time.


This is the greatest time of your life. Enjoy it. And forget the guilt crap. It serves no purpose whatsoever.

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In the fourth paragraph, I meant to write: Dating is not only RIGHT but it is the very best thing.....


Please understand clearly I am 1000 percent in favor of you getting out and meetint new people. It's not even an option. You are not in love with this guy you've been seeing or you wouldn't be going through the stuff right now.


Sorry for the mistake. It's late.

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