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Ladies, would having your period cause you to cancel a date?

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Just wondering if its that bad that you would cancel a date with a guy you were interested in.

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Back in the days before I took birth control, my cramps really could be horrendous, especially on the first day of my period. I think it's hard to explain to a man just how crappy you feel. You're bloated so you feel like nothing fits right, your whole abdominal area aches, and you just feel generally unpleasant.


Now that I'm on birth control my periods never cause me much trouble, but I can completely relate to the girl in question.

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Just wondering if its that bad that you would cancel a date with a guy you were interested in.


Unlikely in the first couple dates, but definitely if we were already established as dating.

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Oh yea I guess I would need to take some birth control to make my noob owning that much more pleasing

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OP, if she told you that reason verbally, e.g. 'I'm having my period right now and feel uncomfortable. Can we reschedule?', then I'd remain positive, if she followed through. If any other methodology, I'd move on. Remember, when dating, don't forget about *your* needs and desires. Flexibility is good. Positive actions are good. Good luck :)

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Agree with the other ladies here. I get pretty horrendous cramps while on my period and it also affects my bowels, so I just feel pretty bad all around. Whenever I take something for my cramps it's enough to knock me out for a few hours or make me generally too lazy to want to do anything beyond veg on the couch. It's a legit reason.


Like Carhill said though, if there was no mention of rescheduling then I'd move on. If she didn't offer that then it would seem to me like she isn't very interested in seeing you again.

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Women who have difficult menstrual periods, whether PMS or actual flow (stbx had both) are well aware of this 'visitor' and how to schedule around/adapt to it. They've been doing it for some time. They should be able to communicate about it, as the OP infers was done in the title post. If interested, it's a blip in the routine of dating and romance. 'Man, I'll be glad with this cramping is done so we can get together' would be positive words to my ears. Stbx used to tell me that sex helped with the cramping (for her) but YMMV on that one. Good luck :)

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Back in the days before I took birth control, my cramps really could be horrendous, especially on the first day of my period. I think it's hard to explain to a man just how crappy you feel. You're bloated so you feel like nothing fits right, your whole abdominal area aches, and you just feel generally unpleasant.


Now that I'm on birth control my periods never cause me much trouble, but I can completely relate to the girl in question.


Yep. I used to get such bad cramps I could barely stand and walk 2 days out of every month, and my doctor gave me some pretty hard-hitting painkillers. My choice was to either be spaced-out and slightly high as well as still uncomfortable, bloated, fatigued and also nauseated by the pills, or to be in a lot of pain, as well as bloated and fatigued.


It's somewhat better now but still extremely uncomfortable, plus my period often triggers migraines.


IOW, I have canceled dates because of my period, yes. If it was a serious relationship, though, my boyfriend usually would come over and rub my back and order a pizza and watch movies with me on the couch in our jammies.

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Unless I planned on sleeping with him, why would I cancel a date?


I agree.


There are some months that I do have horrible cramping and an extremely heavy flow, but not always. If those 2 things aren't in play, I go on the date.

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It depends on on the girl. Some girls have light periods without even a need to take pain killers and if she is one of thsoe then she is making an excuse (the problematic thing is that you have no way of knowning).


I have EXTREMLY heavy and painful periods. So much so, that the amount of blood I lose within the first 48 hours is horrendeous and I feel very light headed and weak. I also have bad pain - and I have missed work due to this, let alone canceled dates. I also can't tolerate BC pills (bad constant nausea and weight gain). So if she is like me, then her reason is very legit.

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Periods can be really uncomfortable, but they are also fairly predictable. I can generally think to myself "hmm, that should be around the time I'm starting" and not make arrangements to have a date that day.


In general, the first day or so on my period are miserable, but after that I'm "good to go" even if there still is a bit of flow.

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I would cancel. The problem is, my period is not exactly consistent and I don't always get pain. But when I do, it is really painful. On top of that, it can start within a week, so if a guy suggested a date on friday, I might or might not be ok. I would hate to reject a date if I didn't start till Saturday, but what do you say to the guy? Can we wait and see? Gives him the impression you're flaky.


When I first started dating my current boyfriend, I told him I get severe cramps and that I'm pretty anti-social during it. He had to learn that I like to be alone. He's very understanding towards me, and even now, he will offer to give me my space. :love:


But yah, if I liked the guy, I would definitely apologize for canceling and try to set up another date!

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Just wondering if its that bad that you would cancel a date with a guy you were interested in.


Yes. If the cramps are bad and the flow is continually heavy, it's not the most comfortable feeling in the world. Sorry, but if I were on my period and really not feeling well, I'd cancel.


You should google it and see for yourself what some women go through.


Let me ask you, if you were genuinally feeling just awful, had a migraine, felt like you had an upset stomach with runny poo's (or the feeling like you didn't want to be far from a toilet), would YOU want to go out on a date?

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I'm a guy but if i did have it, I would stay home and play PS3 =)


haha just thought this was funny. nice

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I'd try my best to keep the date- but I, like other women am in so much pain in the 2 days before; and the first day of; that I can barely deal with the discomfort. I get insanely bloated, lower back pain, and the cramps kill me. All I want to do is curl up in the fetal position in my bed and rock back and forth. Some months I get so sick I will throw up. It's like getting the flu every month.


I probably wouldn't tell someone I just met that I couldn't go on a date because I got my period:o I would probably just say I don't feel good and then I'd reschedule right away so he knew I wasn't blowing him off.


Then again, my boobs increase 2 cup sizes each month for a few days- so I might fill out a top better:p

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It can be very uncomfortable, even when you don't get cramps. I do, and I have quite a heavy flow so I would cancel. Because I wouldn't want to feel uncomfortable, thus making my date uncomfortable, and focusing on the pain I am in, or if I need to rush to the toilet. Also, most women would not really want to wear a nice outfit during their period in case of leakage, and so that can ruin a night right there. i.e. I don't wear dresses or anything, only jeans and sweats, or leggings, something comfortable, which I'm sure most women do, and those things aren't always date appropriate. You want to look and feel your best, and few women look and feel their best during their period.

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