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I dont call this abuse but my parents do, read this

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Im 21 my ex is 23. I got with him in sept '05 and have had our good times and bad times. Just over a year ago we wer drunk arguing over something so silly I cant even remember what it was I kept the argument going when I should of just left it and eventually he pushed me and i landed on the floor smacking off the bed on the way ended up with a big bruise on my arm. Anyway it all ended and i went to sleep bla bla. The next day I got in the car with my dad and he noticed the bruise (which i hadnt at the time) and asked me what happened I never lie so told the truth and he freaked out told me if I ever went back that was it between me and my parents. So never going against them thats what I did (not because I wanted to but because they did) He never ever pushed, hit, touched be in any abusive way before he never really even said hurtful things to me even tho we have had worse arguments than this one.


Hes not perfect but to me he is. Anyways I broke up with him for about 9 r 10 months (never lost contact with him) I still loved him and im sure he still loved me as we still spoke alot stil by text and phone and he sent me a goodnight msg every night with out fail he never lost interest r stopped begging me back.. I tried to move on but still couldnt get him outta my head maybe because i never really cut all ties to him i dunno, In march I started seeing him again behind my parents back and 3 weeks ago we immigrated from Ireland to Canada it broke my heart leaving him. I thought being here would help me get over him. But I know I definately want to be with him im 100% willing to take the chance on him he is prepared to move here or els i will go back there. Maybe i am a fool, I know this but no matter what i know i want him.


I just dont know how to tell my parents they are the best in the world and i usually never ever go behind ther backs, but the thing is he either comes here or I go back there one r the other. How do I get my parents to give him another chance or how do I just not get them to turn against me. I love them both so much and dont want them to hurt. If someone could advise me on the best way of putting this to them or tell me what you think is my besty option (i know alot of you wil think im stupid and say never take him back that i should walk away, but i know i am defintely want to take him back, but dont think i could ever bare the thought of loosin my parents). Sorry this is so long i tried to make it as simple as possible... Rai xxx

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