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computer junkie

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my b'f wanted me to put a post on here asking opinions of others about someone (me) who spends what he says 90% of my time on the computer. he is busy watching t.v. and if i don't like what is on t.v. i come over to the computer. granted i stay on for long periods of time and it is the first thing i do in the morning and last thing i do at night. i still make it to work on time, (barely) but i do and i still do all the necessary things in my life that i need to do. it's not like he feels neglected, he can't cause he is so involved in t.v. or the paper he don't even notice me gone, he just thinks i spend too much time on here, he compared it to him getting up every morning and having a beer, which he don't, but that is the analogy he used. o.k. so i posted it like he asked. any opinions?

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The post titled "Is it unreasonable or not" deals with the Internet addiction problem.


I think the Internet has changed family life for many. There is no good reason for getting married or being in a relationship if one is going to watch television all the time and the other is mostly on the computer.


I am a true believer that everyone ought to live their lives as the chose. If you are married to someone who does his/her own thing all the time and you can stay on the computer all the time and there are no demands or expectations on the part of either of you, great situation.


Most people get into relationships and live together with expectations for sharing a lot more than rooms in the same building. It sounds like a good balance between his preoccupation with TV and the newspaper and your involvement witht he computer. But that won't be satisfying in the long term and there will be trouble.


I really think you ought to take a good look at this and set aside, say, two days a week when all that stuff stays off and the two of you get to know each other better and have some fun away from the TV, computer and newspapers.


If your relationship continues the way it is, one day both of you are going to realize there is more to life than what you're experiencing now and one of you will split.

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